Web radio using playlist

From this website I can get a list of streams in playlist format: radio.abc.net.au/help/streams

From the Volumio UI if I go Web Radio->My Web Radios->Add Web Radio the URL entry states “The URL can be either a stream URL or a M3U or PLS remote file”

Does this mean I can enter a URL for a pls such as : abc.net.au/res/streaming/aud … _radio.pls?

I have tried this but it does not work (won’t play).

What is the correct way to use the pls. I have been able to get the streaming URL from the pls and that does work.

V 2.031 on RPi3

Hey Gooseclam,

The majority of ABC radio URL’s radio.abc.net.au/help/streams are not correctly parsed by MPD ( the underlying player in Volumio). Basically they contain redundancy that isn’t properly interpreted by MPD
to get around this you can 1 of 2 ways

  1. download the .pls file from ABC
  2. open it in a text editor - you will see something like this

Title1=774 ABC Melbourne

Title2=774 ABC Melbourne
3) choose one of the streams listed & paste that into the URL field of the AddWebRadio dialogue

Alternatively you can copy / paste the stream into VLC player & then choose media information (control+I) - you will see the active stream listed at the bottom of the window. just copy / paste that URL into the AddWebRadio dialogue.
