Did you check the DSI cable is properly connected?
Also please check the line endings in “/boot/userconfig.txt” are “LF” not “CRLF”.
Did you check the DSI cable is properly connected?
Also please check the line endings in “/boot/userconfig.txt” are “LF” not “CRLF”.
Not sure if this is relevant - I had something similar with RPi 7" DSI and had to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-vc4.conf to
Section "OutputClass"
Identifier "rp1"
MatchDriver "rp1-vec|rp1-dsi|rp1-dpi"
Driver "modesetting"
Option "PrimaryGPU" "true"
Edited - corrected entries.
the correct dsi cable on raspberry 4 works correctly… I didn’t understand what I have to do in userconfig.txt
Section “OutputClass”
Identifier “rp1”
MatchDriver “rp1-vec|rp1-dsi|rp1-dpi”
Driver “modesetting”
Option “PrimaryGPU” “true”
Yes, this is required, IMHO too. I suggested it in post #302 and Dgtube reported to have done this change already.
It is about line endings. You may read here about the issues that can occur when editing on Windows systems.
The same goes for editing “99-vc4.conf”.
ok… but if I use another 7 inch Raspberry display it works without problems… and only with this type of display it doesn’t work. so I assume that LF is correct
Which display is that?
the 7 inch display works…the 4.3 inch display doesn’t work
Isn’t that the display you’re having issues with?
I suggest to post a .zip file containing your “userconfig.txt” and “99-vc4.conf” files.
Also post the result of
ls -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
Perhaps this will help. No changes from defaults other than:
cat /boot/userconfig.txt
cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-vc4.conf
Section "OutputClass"
Identifier "rp1"
MatchDriver "rp1-vec|rp1-dsi|rp1-dpi"
Driver "modesetting"
Option "PrimaryGPU" "true"
I think “vc4-kms-v3d” loads “vc4-kms-v3d-pi5” on a Pi5 and would suggest to even remove
from “/boot/userconfig.txt” as the appropriate “vc4-…” overlay is already referenced in “/boot/volumioconfig.txt”. OTOH I would not expect the doubled entries to be an issue, but who knows…
body I am unlocked and I can write… I used Raspbian and the display works… I noticed that on volume if I change the dtb files and put those of raspbian volume works and the display too… the problem lies in
bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb which creates problems on version 3.635… unfortunately so I can’t copy volume to nvme… how can I do it?
I’ve got my 8.9 do working happily. I’ve started using the touch functions on it but I’ve noticed that when I ask the current be shown it’s about 1-1.5cm away from where I place my finger. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Some good news regarding the Waveshare 11.9" DSI display
Waveshare released a fix for the problem with the touch-panel
I backported this fix for the kernel 6.1.69 and generated a new test-image for RPi, v3.635
I could get the touch-panel working perfectly and aligned with the display rotated horizontally with the following parameters for the overlay:
Thanks a lot @Darmur!!! It works like a charm!
hello friends, I have a problem with touch, about the touch is in the middle, in reality, the touch is lower 7.9inch IPS display with capacitive touch panel, hardware resolution is 400 x 1280.
# Add your custom config.txt options to this file, which will be preserved during updates
#### Touch Display rotation setting below: do not alter ####
@Vladimir_69 the syntax for the additional parameter is not correct
here the list of available parameters for the waveshare dt-overlay:
Load: dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-waveshare-panel,<param>=<val>
Params: 2_8_inch 2.8" 480x640
3_4_inch 3.4" 800x800 round
4_0_inch 4.0" 480x800
7_0_inchC 7.0" C 1024x600
7_9_inch 7.9" 400x1280
8_0_inch 8.0" 1280x800
10_1_inch 10.1" 1280x800
11_9_inch 11.9" 320x1480
i2c1 Use i2c-1 with jumper wires from GPIOs 2&3
disable_touch Disable the touch controller
rotation Set the panel orientation property
invx Touchscreen inverted x axis
invy Touchscreen inverted y axis
swapxy Touchscreen swapped x y axis
dsi0 Use DSI0 and i2c_csi_dsi0 (rather than
the default DSI1 and i2c_csi_dsi).
as an example, for inverting the x axes, you must add invx=1, do disable the inversion of the x axes, you must add invx=0
Thank you very much Dario, very appreciated!!!
Actually I’m in a business trip, as soon as I’ll come back I’ll test it!!!