Waveshare DSI LCD displays

Did you check the DSI cable is properly connected?

Also please check the line endings in “/boot/userconfig.txt” are “LF” not “CRLF”.

Not sure if this is relevant - I had something similar with RPi 7" DSI and had to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-vc4.conf to

Section "OutputClass"
    Identifier "rp1"
    MatchDriver "rp1-vec|rp1-dsi|rp1-dpi"
    Driver "modesetting"
    Option "PrimaryGPU" "true"

Edited - corrected entries.

the correct dsi cable on raspberry 4 works correctly… I didn’t understand what I have to do in userconfig.txt

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Section “OutputClass”
Identifier “rp1”
MatchDriver “rp1-vec|rp1-dsi|rp1-dpi”
Driver “modesetting”
Option “PrimaryGPU” “true”

Yes, this is required, IMHO too. I suggested it in post #302 and Dgtube reported to have done this change already.

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It is about line endings. You may read here about the issues that can occur when editing on Windows systems.

The same goes for editing “99-vc4.conf”.

ok… but if I use another 7 inch Raspberry display it works without problems… and only with this type of display it doesn’t work. so I assume that LF is correct

Which display is that?

the 7 inch display works…the 4.3 inch display doesn’t work

Isn’t that the display you’re having issues with?

I suggest to post a .zip file containing your “userconfig.txt” and “99-vc4.conf” files.

Also post the result of

ls -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d

Perhaps this will help. No changes from defaults other than:

cat /boot/userconfig.txt


cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-vc4.conf

Section "OutputClass"
    Identifier "rp1"
    MatchDriver "rp1-vec|rp1-dsi|rp1-dpi"
    Driver "modesetting"
    Option "PrimaryGPU" "true"

I think “vc4-kms-v3d” loads “vc4-kms-v3d-pi5” on a Pi5 and would suggest to even remove


from “/boot/userconfig.txt” as the appropriate “vc4-…” overlay is already referenced in “/boot/volumioconfig.txt”. OTOH I would not expect the doubled entries to be an issue, but who knows… :wink:

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body I am unlocked and I can write… I used Raspbian and the display works… I noticed that on volume if I change the dtb files and put those of raspbian volume works and the display too… the problem lies in
bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb which creates problems on version 3.635… unfortunately so I can’t copy volume to nvme… how can I do it?

I’ve got my 8.9 do working happily. I’ve started using the touch functions on it but I’ve noticed that when I ask the current be shown it’s about 1-1.5cm away from where I place my finger. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Some good news regarding the Waveshare 11.9" DSI display

Waveshare released a fix for the problem with the touch-panel

I backported this fix for the kernel 6.1.69 and generated a new test-image for RPi, v3.635

I could get the touch-panel working perfectly and aligned with the display rotated horizontally with the following parameters for the overlay:


@AngeloMM @danidemo


Thanks a lot @Darmur!!! It works like a charm!

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hello friends, I have a problem with touch, about the touch is in the middle, in reality, the touch is lower 7.9inch IPS display with capacitive touch panel, hardware resolution is 400 x 1280.

# Add your custom config.txt options to this file, which will be preserved during updates

#### Touch Display rotation setting below: do not alter ####

@Vladimir_69 the syntax for the additional parameter is not correct

here the list of available parameters for the waveshare dt-overlay:

Load:   dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-waveshare-panel,<param>=<val>
Params: 2_8_inch                2.8" 480x640
        3_4_inch                3.4" 800x800 round
        4_0_inch                4.0" 480x800
        7_0_inchC               7.0" C 1024x600
        7_9_inch                7.9" 400x1280
        8_0_inch                8.0" 1280x800
        10_1_inch               10.1" 1280x800
        11_9_inch               11.9" 320x1480
        i2c1                    Use i2c-1 with jumper wires from GPIOs 2&3
        disable_touch           Disable the touch controller
        rotation                Set the panel orientation property
        invx                    Touchscreen inverted x axis
        invy                    Touchscreen inverted y axis
        swapxy                  Touchscreen swapped x y axis
        dsi0                    Use DSI0 and i2c_csi_dsi0 (rather than
                                the default DSI1 and i2c_csi_dsi).

as an example, for inverting the x axes, you must add invx=1, do disable the inversion of the x axes, you must add invx=0

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Thank you very much Dario, very appreciated!!!
Actually I’m in a business trip, as soon as I’ll come back I’ll test it!!!