I have tried to find a solution to this but I haven’t been successful. If it’s already been solved, please excuse me, and point me i the right direction.
I just installed Volumio (ver. 3.661) on a Raspberry Pi 4B with a Waveshare 7inch(C) touch screen connected via HDMI and USB. I have installed the touch screen plugin (ver. 3.4.0).
When I started Volumio the first time the screen resolution was wrong so I edited the userconfig.txt file to get the screen to “fill out”. Before that Volumio was only showing up in a portion of the screen.
The problem I have now is that Volumio spills over the screen, so the whole UI isn’t showing. It’s as if Volumio isn’t adapting to the resolution of my screen.
That didn’t work. It still looks the same. Is it possible that something went wrong during installation? Should I have made the additions to userconfig before installing the tpuch screen plug in?
Everything is in userconfig. As 8f now its the four lines in the original post and the overscan_disable line. It’s like volumio doesn’t get what resolution the screen is. The touch funktion works. If i touch the upper right corner i close open windows even though the “X” is outside of the screen.
Thanks for helping! I tried adding the framebuffer lines. It didn’t work. Now i get a black band on the left side, and it also looks like volumio is “zoomed” in a bit more.
Is it possible that it would work if i add a “hdmi_timings=” line? I’ve found EDID Sequence Parameters for the display at https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/7inch_HDMI_LCD_(C) but I don’t know how to use them correctly. Or if it would make a difference.
This didn’t work either. It looks like before. I tried commenting out the framebugger lines and it went back to looking like in the first pictures, without the black band on the left side. This is a little bit frustrating
It didn’t change anything. I tried uncommenting everything and connect it to my PC-monitor. It shows the whole UI but at a very low resolution. But nothing is missing.
Another option after reverting hdmi_ignore_edid=0xa5000080 could be to use the scaling option from the Touch Display plugin’s config page. Set the scale factor to e.g. 95.
The only thing that happens is that the menu-button and the other buttons get smaller. The image changes size to, but gets bigger when I go lower. It seems like Volumio thinks the display is bigger than it is