The latest release is laggy slow and not updating the screen properly, touchscreen is offset and not tracking correctly. Went back to old version 3.55 works perfectly. Anyone else have this problem?
if you mean the touch screen is not rotated look at:
Thanks!! I will try this later today.
[quote=“[PLUGIN] Touch Display, post:959, topic:10647”]
it’s been fixed on kernel 6.6 you can download this file, rename it to “vc4-kms-dsi-waveshare-panel-fixed.dtbo” and place it on /boot/overlays then you can use this fixed overlay changing the declaration in userconfig.txt dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-waveshare-panel-fixed,2_8_inch
Why 2_8_inch? I have the 7.9"
Your missing the point here.
The point is a modified dtbo file, you add 7_9_inch instead of me adding 2_8_inch add the end.
I just updated to v3.701 (beta) and Volumio works just fine.
USB Dac-Topping D90mqa
Volumio v3.701 (beta) boot from a 32GB USB 3.0 drive
Touch Display v3.4.0
PeppyMeter Screen Saver v2.2.0
I don’t user dtoverlay but I put these commands on /boot/userconfig.txt. I know not all commands are necessary but it works for me.
hdmi_timings=400 0 100 10 140 1280 10 20 20 2 0 0 0 60 0 43000000 3
Guess your not using a DSI screen?
What is DSI screen? I use 7.9 Waveshare HDMI screen.
Understood … thanks again!
Read the topic
and download the file
DSI touch screens are different to HDMI it uses a ribbon cable attached to the RPi display port. It does not use USB for touch input either. All communication is done over the DSI bus. So they are completely different in setup… Thanks all the same.
Very Nice!
Unfortunately the problem still persists even after your suggestion. O well… back to the drawing board I guess. Thanks anyway!