In the old volumio I had a couple of iheart radio streams set up for local radio stations:
I’ve added the stream to volumio as a favourtie web strea:
"service": "webradio",
"name": "ZM",
"uri": ""
But it never seems to execute the stream.
Hmm just went to my volumio machine to play a stream to grab the logs, and clicking browse just brings up an empty screen (has headers/footers etc, but no details. Seems to happen fairly often.
Here is the log when I started playback:
2016-07-23T21:31:34.566Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
2016-07-23T21:31:34.567Z - info: [1469309494566] CoreStateMachine::syncState
2016-07-23T21:31:34.568Z - info: [1469309494567] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 1
2016-07-23T21:31:34.569Z - info: [1469309494568] Received update from a service different from the one supposed to be playing music. Skipping notification.
2016-07-23T21:31:34.571Z - info: [1469309494570] ------------------------------ 77ms
2016-07-23T21:31:34.599Z - info: [1469309494598] parsing response...
2016-07-23T21:31:34.602Z - info: [1469309494601] ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand load ""
2016-07-23T21:31:34.604Z - info: [1469309494603] sending command...
2016-07-23T21:31:34.624Z - info:
[1469309494612] ---------------------------- MPD announces system state update
2016-07-23T21:31:34.632Z - info: Mpd Status Update: playlist
2016-07-23T21:31:34.634Z - info:
[1469309494633] ---------------------------- MPD announces state update
2016-07-23T21:31:34.637Z - info: [1469309494635] ControllerMpd::getState
2016-07-23T21:31:34.638Z - info: [1469309494637] ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
2016-07-23T21:31:34.646Z - info: [1469309494645] sending command...
2016-07-23T21:31:35.798Z - info:
2016-07-23T21:31:35.805Z - info: [1469309495802] ------------------------------ 1190ms
2016-07-23T21:31:35.806Z - info: [1469309495805] parsing response...
2016-07-23T21:31:35.810Z - info: [1469309495809] ControllerMpd::parseState
2016-07-23T21:31:35.812Z - info: [1469309495811] ControllerMpd::pushState
2016-07-23T21:31:35.813Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
2016-07-23T21:31:35.813Z - info: [1469309495813] CoreStateMachine::syncState
2016-07-23T21:31:35.814Z - info: [1469309495814] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 1
2016-07-23T21:31:35.815Z - info: [1469309495814] Received update from a service different from the one supposed to be playing music. Skipping notification.
2016-07-23T21:31:35.816Z - info: [1469309495815] ------------------------------ 1184ms
2016-07-23T21:31:36.365Z - info: CALLMETHOD: audio_interface upnp stopUpnpPlayback [object Object]
2016-07-23T21:31:36.366Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: upnp , stopUpnpPlayback
2016-07-23T21:31:36.368Z - info: Stopping playback through UPNP
2016-07-23T21:31:36.369Z - info: [1469309496369] CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
Also I enabled the spotify plugin, added credentials, but it never shows up on the browse menu.