Although I have seen earlier questions about kernel sources, I am afraid I also need to ask this…
I downloaded the “Volumio2 RC2 Hotfix 2016-07-01” from,
which seems to run OK on my Raspberry PI 2 model B.
‘uname -a’ reports its kernel revision as:
Linux volumio 4.4.9-v7+ #884 SMP Fri May 6 17:28:59 BST 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux
I would like to add a new device driver to control a new DAC board. Earlier, I successfully developed and tested this driver with alsa on my same RPi-2 with a standard Raspbian 4.4y source-code distribution.
For exact kernel module version alignment, it seems to me that I should recompile my driver against Volumio’s 4.4.9-v7+ kernel source (or -at least- its kernel headers). However, I cannot find where to obtain that particular kernel source version (from Raspbian and/or Debian itself) and configuration. Can someone give me a correct pointer, e.g. some github repo with a specific version?
(Or, would my Rasbian-4.4 .ko modules and its dtoverlay integrate properly with Volumio2-RC2 ?)
thanks for your help,