Volumio2 and Hifiberry-amp3

that is the only one there is from volumio server

Hi, I used version 2.917-2021-12-03.
It really works as described. Performed several times
If you can’t get Wifi working, try first Ethernet cabel.

strange that it’s not on the server. the version that your ref. too.

Sorry, I was wrong. You have the right version.

Son answer from me, my amp3 burned, i wrote them and got a amp2 in change, because they stopped selling amp3. amp2 works like charm :slight_smile:

I guess that says a lot, as you say the amp3 is no longer on their website. Glad you were able to get an amp2 from replacement.

Right now i dont need dsp, but i wanted to buy the hifiberry amp3, because i wanted to add it maybe later. But after all i’ve read, i think the amp3 isn’t really final? Should I buy the amp2 instead?


Amp3 is no longer on Hifiberry’s product pages, not just out of stock. There’s got to be a good reason for that.

Thanks for the answer!
Yeah, i think you’re right. Maybe for now the Amp2 is the better option.
Hope that they will develop the Amp3 so that will be a good option in the future.