Volumio x86 + PeppyMeter

yet I had problems with an incompatible SD card.
Installing the plugin is very simple. There aren’t many options left to evaluate. Why does it work for everyone and why shouldn’t it work for you?

there is nothing wrong with my SD and my Volumio installation, I even can move it around to 3 different machines, it still plays music.

Redacted by @nerd

Often the worst enemy is one’s own ego


Please threat our community members with the respect they deserve, when they try to assist you in their free time.
These kind of responses will not help you in any way.

In short,

  • Current Peppy_meter > 1.4 doesn’t work well on a x86. I’ve tried but it needed to much tinkering, that it’s no longer feasible for me to support.
  • The suggestion to burn a clean install is more than appropriate, as you did a lot of tinkering, which makes supporting it even more troublesome.

The following problem occurs when I run peppymeter: If I select VU-meter Random and interval Random Mode, peppy will stop running after a while and the system needs to be restarted. However, if I select Interval mode, this situation rarely occurs. Does anyone know this? Why?Thank you~

Hi @fire,
that sounds a bit like a lack of memory.
Hi much memory have your pi?
You can try to reduce the cache size from 20 to 10 different styles or try to disable the needle cache generally

it is 2GB ,that is a X86 computer not a pi ,i have try to disable the needle cache, but still the same。

I solved the problem with peppymeter not moving, at least for mpd player (se post above).

For some reason the /etc/mpd_include.conf do not get read properly (yes I activated it), so I moved it to /etc/mpd,conf, as an extra audio out:

audio_output {
 enabled     "yes"
    type        "alsa"
    name        "mpd_peppyalsa"
    device      "mpd_peppyalsa"
    dop         "no"

But when I play spotify, the meters do not move. any help with that will bee appreciated.

maybe this will lead the way:

Well, if yoy read my post, I was never on 1.4, i was at first on 1.5 and now on Peppy screensaver 2.1.0. It works well, only need to get Spotify to function also.

Please reply in a normal way, I don’t do well well on remarks like “Well, If you read”, there is no reason for this kind of remarks.

The topic i highlighted (regardless the version) is regarding Spotify and modifying the template.in order to make it work, As you indicate you have issues with Spotify. If it works I don’t know but give it a try.


Well, if you read my post, I was never on 1.4, i was at first on 1.5 and now on Peppy screensaver 2.1.0. It works well, only need to get Spotify to function with peppymeter, also.
It works, I can play music and there is a peppymeter. you say it does not work well. What is so not normal with my comment?

Just want to have some help with Alsa configuration, I fixed every problem with my installation that way, ore with changing other configuration. There is nothing wrong with my SD card, with Debian ore Volumio installation. I worked with Debian since 2004, I know how to test it, how to test SD cards, it is ok.

I will not install beta, I just want to know where the configuration is done for Spotify Connect plugin, witch file to edit, there have to be a file defining main sound card, just as for airplay an mpd player. Then I know how to do a dummy plugin in /etc/asound.conf for Peppymeter too use.

I have tried to find documentation my self online, but it is very poor. Glad for any help here.

I have the same problem as you,
Could you tell me the reason for this? How was it resolved?

Volumio 3.703 running in X86 Pad,
PeppyMeter /PeppySpectrum can be living, but I can’t see Albumart and PlayInfo.
I use 1280x800_custom_4 of templates .

@Morpho_menelaus, welcome to the forum. You are asking a question that was 3 years ago (2021). It would be best to describe your hardware/software configuration and what your problem is.


I have the same problem as you,
Could you tell me the reason for this? How was it resolved?

Volumio 3.703 running in X86 Pad,
PeppyMeter /PeppySpectrum can be living, but I can’t see Albumart and PlayInfo.
I use 1280x800_custom_4 of templates .

Volumio 3.703
PeppyMeter 2.2.1
PYGame 1.9.4.post1

I followed this installation on my x86/64 based NUC and installed without errors but after … when I started to play music… my volumio couldn’t play music anymore.

I don’t know about x86. I don’t have an x86 installation. I think you don’t have your ALSA configuration set.


ooo, I just noticed that @Morpho_menelaus is also on x86.