Hi, I have Roon installed on my PC which acts as the Roon Core. Is there a way to use Volumio’s latest version as Roon Endpoint to play all the Hi-Res files like DSD files which is stored on my NAS which ascts as a source. Please confirm…
Hi, I have Roon installed on my PC which acts as the Roon Core. Is there a way to use Volumio’s latest version as Roon Endpoint to play all the Hi-Res files like DSD files which is stored on my NAS which ascts as a source. Please confirm…
The answer is yes. Roon Bridge is included with Volumio (even the free version). Go into Volumio Plugins and install it. Then it should appear as an endpoint on Roon > Settings > Audio and you need to enable it. Play your files as you do now and select the Volumio endpoint as the output.
You have 2 ways:
Hope that helps
Why would you need volumio if you have roon?
Just wondering
To set up a Raspberry Pi as a Roon endpoint, it needs to be running the Roon Bridge. There are different ways to get Roon Bridge on a Raspberry Pi. Running Volumio is one option.
Is the first Primo model also Roon ready (without plugin)?
Until now I used the plugin, but after the last update to version 3.569 unfortunately the plugin no longer works, notification:
“Device not found
Primov1 is not RoonReady.
If you updated from V2, it’s possible that the sound card name is different. Try to change the output in ROON
It was not an update from V2, but from the penultimate update V3 to the last update V3.
Roon bridge is mentioned in Roon ‘about’ with the correct IP from the PrimoV1 + text: ‘version 1.8 (build 1125) stable’.
At ‘Output audio’ Roon volumio is recognized , also with the correct IP and ‘Linux 4.4.71+’
But after switch on ES90x8Q2M DAC, message ‘Device not found’ appears.
I can connect the PrimoV1 with airplay, but I prefer ALSA…
Because I received no further response from Volumio, I started investigating myself .
I did a reset to factory settings and only installed the roonbridge plugin.
Roon recognized volumio again with roonbridge
My preliminary conclusion: The FusionDSP plugin in combination with the latest Volumio update may cause problems with Roonbridge.
I found the same problem. There is definitely a conflict between the Roon plugin and the FusionDSP plugin.
My PrimoV1 needs the Roon plugin. Using the airplay interface, the sound stuttered quite a bit, perhaps because it uses 2.4 GHz Wifi. The Roon server and Volumio are both on wired ethernet, so I wanted to try it.
The Roon interface (Settings/Audio) shows device categorized as Roon and Other Network Devices. My Volumio host name shows up under Roon devices with my wired LAN IP address. The Volumio host name also shows up under Other Network Devices with "via AirPlay and my Volumio’s wifi IP address. I take this to mean that the Volumio under Roon devices is using Roon Bridge software and wired LAN.
With both Roon Bridge and FusionDSP plugins enabled, the Roon VolumIO audio device gave me the same error as Jannock (“Device not found
ES90x8Q2M DAC ALSA”) whenever it was enabled. Disabling the FusionDSP plugin made it work. No more stuttering.
How can I tell which plugin is causing this problem? Is there a log file whose data would help debug?