While waiting for the IQAudio Pi-DAC Pro to become available, I treated myself to a “PiFi” PCM5122 DAC Hat from Aliexpress PCM5122 Hifi Dac Audio Sound Card Module I2S+Led Indicator for Raspberry Pi 3B/2B|Demo Board Accessories| - AliExpress
It arrived today and I plugged it into my RPi 2B and was pleasantly surprised that it seemed to configure itself in VolumIO as a HiFiBerry AMP2 and seems to work well. It sounds a lot better than the RPi on-board 3.5mm output Jack but I don’t have a IQAudio or HiFiBerry Card (yet) to do a comparison. On a subjective comparison, it makes the on-board output Highs sound like sandpaper on the percussion sounds and there is no audible sibilance that my aging ears can detect. The output level is higher than the on-board output and better matches the input on my Amplifier.
Some Questions:
- Is HiFiBerry AMP2 the correct I2S setting for this device? If not, which should I use?
- Does anybody else use this DAC and can you share experience please
- The Card has an on-board IR receiver. Is there a way to use this? … and is it worth the bother?
Happy Easter, Robin