Hi All. I am new to Volumio and really like it due to the fact it can source music from virtually anywhere including my NAS, online stream services and airplay as well.
However, I am constantly hitting bugs in Volumio that make every day music listening harder and harder. For example, I have lots of albums which contains one big music file with a CUE file which defines where each track starts and ends. Let’s say I have an album A which contains 5 tracks and I try to do the following step by step:
- Play track 3 from album A.
- Listen for a while.
- Now I want to skip 30s by select 30sec later on the progress bar.
- Volumio will start to play track 1 from album A in the middle instead of track 3 30sec later…
Basically as long as I am playing tracks in an album which includes 1 MUSIC FILE + 1 CUE and I try to adjust the progress bar, Volumio will always start to play the 1st track in the CUE…
I have taken some snapshot to help understand it:
I have an album that has a wav file and a cue. Cue defines that there are in total 10 tracks:
I started to play the 8th track. Notice that this track has a duration of 6:44:
Then I adjust the progress bar to advance some time. Then it just starts to play the 1st track… Even though the information on it still shows that it is playing the 8th track. But the duration on the right side of the progress bar becomes 10:43 which is exactly the duration of the 1st track:
Debug log is here: