I’ve managed to install Volumio 2 v0.979 and adding Squeezelite following the guide from this Forum on my new Pi3/Hifiberry DAC+ Pro combo. Except a very poor (re)booting stability (in 8 out of 10 power cycles the Pi doesn’t boot properly and remains unreachable - for whatever reason ) everything seems to work fine after a successful boot.
Currently, Mixer control is set to “Digital”, but I would like to disable volume control and leave it to max for two reasons:
- Volume control doesn’t work properly in combination with my BubbleUPNP control point I use mostly
- I don’t need it, because the DAC+ Pro is directly connected to my headphone amp, where I prefer to set the volume manually.
Former Volumio v1.55 had 3 simple-to-understand Mixer control settings. The new Volumio has a whole bunch of different settings but none of them I recognize as “disabled”-equivalent. Probably a stupid question but I couldn’t figure out the right setting for disabling the Volume Control from the GUI. Any help?
Best regards,