Today I installed Volumio 0.979, and added three NAS NFS mounts in the setup. Immediately Volumio started browsing the first, meanwhile I started listening to some webradio, and switched to a long mp3 a bit later (2 hour mix, don’t know if this is relevant).
After about half an hour into the mp3, I noticed that the web interface suddenly showed a “waiting” cursor, and Volumio appeared no longer to be responding. After refreshing the browser, everything looked fine again.
This has repeated itself several times, and after about 6 hours of scanning the first mount, Volumio gave up. Refreshing didn’t work, I couldn’t SSH into the Pi, nothing worked. I had to reboot the Pi the bad way (pulled the plug), and noticed that there were no songs in the database anymore
In short:
Volumio has a hard time scanning large directories, and basically gives up after a while
Stuff that has been scanned does not get saved immediately, so a crash/reboot/whatever failure negates the work that has been done before
I admit the mounted shares were quite large: my collection is set up as follows (for now)
about 1 TB of mp3s -> this was the share Volumio (almost) finished scanning
about 400 GB of flacs
about 400 Gb of rips from my CD collection
I hope someone can address these issues, or that I perhaps can be of assistance testing Volumio a bit further.
I had the same here, with volumio-2.000-2016-10-13-pi on 2 different Raspberry B+.
“mpc update” from a NAS was stalling after a couple of minutes. This could be nicely seen with “sudo journalctl -f”. Was not caused by faulty tags, weak power supply etc.
My workaround was to read in the database on a Pi 3, and then using the SD card on the B+.
However, playback on B+ is not stable, it will hang after a varying amount of songs, sometimes recover, sometimes not.
I believe it has to do with CPU utilization and possibly too high memory consumption on the B+ (“top” shows some quite high figures, compared to Volumio 1.55), as the Pi 3 and another Pi 2 plays happily ever after.
For those who also experience stuttering (like a hanging record, and eventual resume after 1-2 minutes) when playing back music from a NAS on a Pi B+ with Volumio 2, the following settings did work like a charm in my setup.