Volumio Rivo plus listening impressions

Hi audiophiles!

Anyone compared Rivo with Rivo Plus with the same powersupply and on the same hifi system?
I have seen some Youtube reviews, but they don´t compare the two streamers…
Looks like it is a nice upgrade on the paper, but is it worth the price difference?

Cheers, Tom :slight_smile:

Hi…there is a nice review on iiWi Reviews.
Kind regards

Nahh, thats a “Rivo” review not “Rivo plus” review and no comparison.


It is a Rivo Plus review - Have a closer look again TBM :wink:

The reviewer is comparing the Rivo Plus to other streamers including the Rivo.

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On youtube channel! Thanks! I checked web site… Have a nice day! :slight_smile: