Volumio Raspberry Pi 3B+ only with HDD

Hello friends!!

I am trying to build a Volumio with only one HDD for the dining room at home,

I can’t get it to start… I can’t find much information on this topic…
The Rpi3b+ works with booting directly with USB HDD, I have tried other images and it works well.

The only way I can have volume directly to the HDD is with berryboot, but berryboot gives me problems when I want to copy the music to the disk through the Samba network. Since berryboot does not allow you to update Volumio, you have to change the Squash image.
It is a methacrylate box with a SubTronics x820 board, it is slow to disassemble the box, take out the Rpi to plug the Sata HDD into the computer via a USB cable to play some new songs in mp3…

All the computers in my house run Linux, I’ve been using it for years but I’m not an expert.

I would appreciate knowing if I can boot Volumio directly from the HDD without using the SD and without berryboot, to avoid problems when updating music over the Samba network.

thank you from the bottom of my heart :slight_smile:
I hope I have explained myself well…