Yestarday some weird and horrendous thing happened to my volumio primo for the first time ever.
It erased all the suddened my entire flac music library contained on my USB HDD.
Was playing music, paused. Came back after some minutes and played again. The current track played for a while and then… no more music form my library.
Tryed refresh my library;
Rebuild my library;
Reboot volumio primo;
Refresh my library
Rebuild my library.
Result: No music!
Shutdown volumio, HHD out, connect it to a PC… All Clean!!! No single file on it.
Needed to undelete everything and, together with a backup, still building the files again.
The worst thing is that no idea of the cause and, although having a backup, it consumes time and resources.
I confess I’m afraid this can happen again with no pre-advice.
Any thoughts???
Currently have version 3.179
Paulo Nunes