Volumio Plugins Collection


Plugin deprecated … use new plugin 'Autostart’

Starts playing the last entry in the queue after rebooting volumio.
This is a “must have” for webradios without a modern frontend (http://pin.it/uVFOjQ6).

You just need to install and enable the plugin.

Platform: Raspberry; tested on 1 (B+) and 3

Source: https://github.com/volumio/volumio-plugins/tree/master/plugins/miscellanea/auto_play

Author: Thomas Doerr

Status: stable works since months on my machines, if you have any problems, please contact me.

Youtube for Volumio: browse, play & search your favourite Youtube Music.

Source: Volumio UI - Search Plugins: Music Services

Author: Cris Pintea, Stefan Laesser

Status: [size=85]BETA[/size]

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IR Remote Controller

This plugin allows to control playback or other functions via an IR Remote

Source: Volumio UI - Search Plugins: Accessories

Author: Volumio Team

Status: stable

Notes: This Plugin has been sponsored by JustBoom and its and it works out of the box with JustBoom IR Remote, Odroid Remote and Apple remote. Controls: Play, pause, mute, volume, next, previous, seek, repeat and random

Volumio Simple Equalizer 2022-May Deprecated! Do not use with Volumio 3. Use FusionDsp as official DSP plugin

This plugin provide a equalizer based on alsaequal

Source : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … impleequal
File to download : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … eequal.zip

Author: Balbuze

Status: beta

Notes : Don’t forget, beta version, feedback welcome

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Volumio SnapCast plugin

An implementation of SnapCast (server + client) and easy configuration in the plugin settings. Not every option is covered, but the most commonly used are.

Platform: Raspberry Pi; tested on 1 (B and B+), 2 and 3
Note: should work on all armhf devices.

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-snapcast-plugin
File to download : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-snap … plugin.zip

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable

Note: I have not yet tested every scenario, just some quick tests. Also some plugins are not yet confirmed to be working:

  • Qobuz (but I believe it uses MPD)

Thanks to Kristian I’ve managed to patch the spop configuration, this way the ‘native’ Spotify plugin is supported too.

Backup & Restore Data

This plugin provides a easy way to backup and restore your device data locally.
Useful before/after re-imaging to new Volumio version, or deploying a setup across multiple devices.
Archived data become available through Volumio’s SMB share, so that it can be copied both ways to preserve and re-deploy.

Source & info: feedback welcome!
Install File to download.

Author: macmpi

Status: stable


BubbleUPnP Server Installer for Volumio

Helper tool that installs BubbleUPnP Server directly on Volumio system.

Can be used to stream Tidal and Qobuz.

Author: dB

Platform: Raspberry Pi (and other armv7 devices)

Source: github.com/dgrzeszczak/Volumio- … PnP-Server

File to download: github.com/dgrzeszczak/Volumio- … server.zip

Status: beta

Volumio Logitech Media Server (LMS) plugin

Installs the latest known working version of LMS and needed CPAN fixes.

Platform: Raspberry Pi; tested on 1 (B and B+), 2 and 3
Note: should work on all armhf devices.

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-lms-plugin
File to download : volumio-lms-plugin.zip

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable

Please note that sometimes, due to timing issues, the plugin will show as not installed successfully. This is a cosmetic error that I will fix in the near future (it’s actually a bug in Volumio; it uploads the plugin multiple times). <- should be fixed, I will investigate!

Alpha testing was successful, plugins can also be installed.

The first start of the service might take a few seconds, please be patient. Also, the button to open a new tab for the LMS web-interface only works with Volumio 2.296+.

NB: A Squeezelite plugin has been released today (11-09-2017)

Squeezelite player plugin

Installs the latest known working version of Squeezelite.

Platform: Raspberry Pi; tested on 1 (B and B+), 2 and 3
Note: should work on all armhf devices.

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-squeezelite-plugin
File to download : volumio-squeezelite-plugin.zip

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable


Play on connect
This plugin allows to play the queue when a specific IP is detected on your network, and stop the play when this IP disappears.
Very convenient to hear your favorite track when you’ re back home, and to never forget to stop the music when you leave :wink:

source : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … yonconnect
File to download : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … onnect.zip

Author : Balbuze

Status : beta

LastFM plugin

Plugin to scrobble music played in Volumio 2.x to LastFM.

Platform: all (runs fully on NodeJS)

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-lastfm-plugin
File to download : volumio-lastfm-plugin.zip

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable

Because the pushState pushes are hard to capture in a fashionable manner I had to write a timer function, I’m not yet fully trusting the timer, but since you can easily delete scrobbles I’m opening the project up for testing.

As the documentation/description states, you don’t need to save your password, an MD5 hash is saved to be used as an authentication token, this suffices. You do need an API key which you can request here; remember to save it! There’s not way to query the given token again!

Happy testing and please provide as much info as you can gather when you’re having troubles. In the plugin you can enable debug logging, which will explode the amount of logging the plugin does.

PS: documentation will follow, but I thought many people would be able to test it without much info. You just need to fill in your info. Saving your password is not needed, nor recommended (because it’s saved in plain text).

[Update 23-10-2017]
Webradio songs can now be scrobbled, see latest update (1.1.x)

[Update 01-12-2017]
Scrobbling for LMS will be incorporated in the Squeezelite plugin, if it uses the volatile state songs can be scrobbled easily.

[Update 20-05-2018]
Scrobbling for Radio paradise and all Spotify plugins has been enabled.

Onedrive Music Library

Plugin for browsing and playing audio files stored on Microsoft Onedrive. The authentication procedure requires some URL-copy-pasting, as explained on the config-page, but should be easy enough.

Source on Github

Download package

Issues / Bugs / Feature requests: Please create an issue on github

Status: beta

Author: Elmar Jansen (elmarj)

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Volstereo2mono 2022-May Deprecated! Do not use with Volumio 3. Use FusionDsp as official DSP plugin

This plugin downmix the signal from stereo to mono on both channel. Useful if you want to use it with volumio music box with one speaker !

source : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … tereo2mono

File to download for install : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … o2mono.zip

Status: beta

Author : balbuze

edit : move category to audio_interface

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Volparametriceq 2022-May Deprecated! Do not use with Volumio 3. Use FusionDsp as official DSP plugin
A 4 bands parametric equalizer using EqFA4p (quitte.de/dsp/caps.html#EqFA4p)
For fine sound tuning!

File download to install : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … triceq.zip
More info : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … rametriceq
We are talking about it here : volumio2-parametric-equalizer-plugin-t8222.html
Author : balbuze
Tested on : Rpi2, Pine64
Status : Beta

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Volbinauralfilter 2022-May Deprecated! Do not use with Volumio 3. Use FusionDsp as official DSP plugin
If you use headphones, this plugin is for you!
It uses a the “bauer” stereo to binaural filter. (bs2b.sourceforge.net/)

File download to install : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … filter.zip
More info : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … auerfilter
We are talking about it here : volumio2-stereo-binaural-filter-plugin-t8177.html
Author : balbuze
Tested on : Rpi2, Pine64
Status : Beta



This plugin adds MotionEye functionality (github.com/ccrisan/motioneye) to Volumio.
Running on my Raspberry PIs (1B and 3) with attached USB camera.
Installation takes quite long time.
MotionEye needs to be Enabled in plugin section of Volumio to start deamon.

Can be used from web browser: http://[VolumioIP]:8765
Use admin with empty password when prompted for credentials.

Source: github.com/gogiman/volumio-plug … /motioneye
File to download or install: github.com/gogiman/volumio-plug … ioneye.zip

Author: Pavol Grohol (gogiman)

Status: Beta

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Personal Radio

This music service plugin provides Korean radio(KBS, MBC, SBS) and Linn radio. KBS, SBS and MBC are very popular commercial radio station in Korea. Korean radios can’t be added as a Volumio webradio because the streaming URL have one time access token. If you interested in Korean radio, you can enjoy this plugin.

There are many channels in KBS, SBS and MBC radio. I’ll introduce some of popular radio channels as follows.​

  • KBS1 FM is a classic channel in Korean language
  • KBS2 FM and MBC FM4U channel are a K-pop, Pop music and entertainment in Korean language.
  • KBS World channel designed for an international audience and the radio program consists of K-Pop, news, Korean culture with English or other languages.

Platform: all platform includes Raspberry Pi and x86 (no platform specific codes)
​Source : https://github.com/ChrisPanda/volumio-personal-radio-plugin
File to download : https://github.com/ChrisPanda/volumio-personal-radio-plugin/releases/download/v1.1.2/volumio-personal-radio-plugin-v1.1.2.zip

Author: Chris Song (chrispanda)

Status: stable

Rotary encoder plugin

Volumio 2 plugin to configure two simple rotary encoders.

Platform: Raspberry Pi (but possibly multiple board platforms)
Depends on Node JS onoff

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-rota … der-plugin
File to download : volumio-rotary-encoder-plugin.zip

At this stage I’ve only tested volume control, but since the commands syntax shouldn’t change I trust the rest will work too.
Full testing takes time and I wanted to release early for everyone.
Please note that the plugin emits to the API, so it’s not too responsive, there’s a delay somewhere (Node JS?).

Update [2018-01-18]:
Patched some really nasty bugs last night, it should work ok now.

Update [2018-03-01]:
Merged a PR from diehardsk, which makes the plugin way more reliable.

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable


The plugin enables support for MSL Digital Solutions’ RemotePi boards for Raspberry Pi 4, Pi 3 B+, Pi 3, Pi 2, B+ and B on Volumio.

After activating the plugin the RemotePi board will get signaled as soon as Volumio is shut down via the GUI. This allows the RemotePi board to cut power from the RasPi after the shutdown process has finished.

Further more the plugin detects the signal that is sent by the RemotePi board in case its hardware knob has been pressed or an IR power off signal from a remote control has been received. The plugin then initiates the shutdown of Volumio and sends a signal back to the RemotePi. This allows the board to detect when Volumio’s shutdown process has finished and cut the power afterwards.

The plugin configures Volumio to load the necessary overlay for the IR receiver of the RemotePi board. By default the plugin uses GPIO18 for the IR receiver. But as the hardware of RemotePi boards can be modified to use GPIO17 instead the plugin allows to set up the configuration accordingly.

Note: The plugin will not install and setup LIRC! This can be achieved by installing the IR remote controller plugin. Pay attention to get at least version 1.2.0 of the IR remote controller plugin. Earlier versions will override the gpio_in_pin setting with GPIO25.

How to obtain: Volumio plugin store

Author: gvolt

Volumio version: 2 and 3

Status: stable on Raspberry Pi

Disussion: [PLUGIN] RemotePi

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pydPiper plugin

Volumio 2 pydPiper plugin

Platform: Raspberry Pi (but possibly multiple board platforms)

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-pydpiper-plugin
File to download : volumio-pydpiper-plugin.zip

The custom pages are only working for the RaspDac OLED

Author: Saiyato

Status: Beta

Update 23-05-2018: uploaded a new version, I2C HD44780 does not have a nice template yet for 24h formats, the rest seems to be working (some fine tuning of the templates is advised).

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