Volumio Plugins Collection

Volspotconnect Plugin

This plugin provides a easy way to use your Volumio device as a Spotify Connect Device

Source: github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … onnect.zip

Author: Balbuze

Status: stable

More info : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … potconnect

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Volspotconnect2 Plugin

As the other volspotconnect plugin, this one provides a easy way to use your Volumio device as a Spotify Connect Device.
It is based on librespot, a open source library.
Works on any plateform supported by Volumio

Source: github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … nnect2.zip

Author: Balbuze

Status: dev but very usable

More info : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … otconnect2

Brutefir Plugin 2022-May Deprecated! Do not use with Volumio 3. Use FusionDsp as official DSP plugin

This plugin provides a easy way to install and configure Brutefir ludd.ltu.se/~torger/brutefir.html
With it you can use custom filters to do Digital Room Compensation. (some example filters are included but you have to generate your own with software like Rew and rephase).

Source: github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … utefir.zip
We are talking about it here : volumio2-and-brutefir-t4151.html
Author: Balbuze

Status: RC
Wiki : https://volumio.github.io/docs/Plugins_User_Manuals/brutefir/Drc_with_Volumio.html
More info : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … /brutefir3

edit : link to brutefir3…

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GPIO Buttons Plugin

Control volumio with physical buttons. Currently supports Play/pause, Vol+, Vol-, Next track, Previous track and shutdown functions.

Platform: Raspberry Pi

Source: Volumio UI - Search Plugins: System Tools / http://tomatpasser.dk/gpio-buttons.zip

Author: tomatpasser

Status: stable

Github: https://github.com/tomatpasser/gpio-buttons

Discussion: [Plugin] GPIO Buttons: Control volumio2 with buttons

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AmpSwitch Plugin

This plugin turns on/off a GPIO port depending on the status of volumio. Using AmpSwitch, Volumio can automatically turn an external amplifier on when you press “Play” and turn it off when you press stop/pause. A delay can be specified to avoid premature switching.

Tested Devices: Raspberry Pi (1 B, 3 B, Zero W)

Source: Volumio UI / Zip-file / Mirror (spyking)

Author: Fightclub
Contributors: spyking

Status: stable

More info and issue report: GitHub

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Kodi Krypton Plugin

Installation and configuration of Kodi on Volumio 2 images; current version 17.4.

Platform: Raspberry Pi; tested on 1 (B and B+), 2 and 3
Note: should work on all armhf devices.

Source: github.com/Saiyato/volumio-kodi … plugin.zip

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable should be the latest; highly dependant on a ppa supplying the latest version

More info : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-kodi-plugin

Raspdac V3 plugin

Raspdac V3 power button and LCD management on Volumio 2 image.

Platform: Raspdac V3 (Raspberry 3, Audiophonics DAC I-Sabre V3 ES9023 TCXO , Winstar LCD HD44780, Power button)

Source: github.com/JedS/Raspdac/release … c0.0.3.zip

Author : JedS

Status : Stable

More info : github.com/JedS/Raspdac

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Plugin deprecated … use new plugin 'Autostart’

Starts playing the last entry in the queue after rebooting volumio.
This is a “must have” for webradios without a modern frontend (http://pin.it/uVFOjQ6).

You just need to install and enable the plugin.

Platform: Raspberry; tested on 1 (B+) and 3

Source: https://github.com/volumio/volumio-plugins/tree/master/plugins/miscellanea/auto_play

Author: Thomas Doerr

Status: stable works since months on my machines, if you have any problems, please contact me.

Youtube for Volumio: browse, play & search your favourite Youtube Music.

Source: Volumio UI - Search Plugins: Music Services

Author: Cris Pintea, Stefan Laesser

Status: [size=85]BETA[/size]

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IR Remote Controller

This plugin allows to control playback or other functions via an IR Remote

Source: Volumio UI - Search Plugins: Accessories

Author: Volumio Team

Status: stable

Notes: This Plugin has been sponsored by JustBoom and its and it works out of the box with JustBoom IR Remote, Odroid Remote and Apple remote. Controls: Play, pause, mute, volume, next, previous, seek, repeat and random

Volumio Simple Equalizer 2022-May Deprecated! Do not use with Volumio 3. Use FusionDsp as official DSP plugin

This plugin provide a equalizer based on alsaequal

Source : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … impleequal
File to download : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … eequal.zip

Author: Balbuze

Status: beta

Notes : Don’t forget, beta version, feedback welcome

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Volumio SnapCast plugin

An implementation of SnapCast (server + client) and easy configuration in the plugin settings. Not every option is covered, but the most commonly used are.

Platform: Raspberry Pi; tested on 1 (B and B+), 2 and 3
Note: should work on all armhf devices.

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-snapcast-plugin
File to download : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-snap … plugin.zip

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable

Note: I have not yet tested every scenario, just some quick tests. Also some plugins are not yet confirmed to be working:

  • Qobuz (but I believe it uses MPD)

Thanks to Kristian I’ve managed to patch the spop configuration, this way the ‘native’ Spotify plugin is supported too.

Backup & Restore Data

This plugin provides a easy way to backup and restore your device data locally.
Useful before/after re-imaging to new Volumio version, or deploying a setup across multiple devices.
Archived data become available through Volumio’s SMB share, so that it can be copied both ways to preserve and re-deploy.

Source & info: feedback welcome!
Install File to download.

Author: macmpi

Status: stable


BubbleUPnP Server Installer for Volumio

Helper tool that installs BubbleUPnP Server directly on Volumio system.

Can be used to stream Tidal and Qobuz.

Author: dB

Platform: Raspberry Pi (and other armv7 devices)

Source: github.com/dgrzeszczak/Volumio- … PnP-Server

File to download: github.com/dgrzeszczak/Volumio- … server.zip

Status: beta

Volumio Logitech Media Server (LMS) plugin

Installs the latest known working version of LMS and needed CPAN fixes.

Platform: Raspberry Pi; tested on 1 (B and B+), 2 and 3
Note: should work on all armhf devices.

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-lms-plugin
File to download : volumio-lms-plugin.zip

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable

Please note that sometimes, due to timing issues, the plugin will show as not installed successfully. This is a cosmetic error that I will fix in the near future (it’s actually a bug in Volumio; it uploads the plugin multiple times). <- should be fixed, I will investigate!

Alpha testing was successful, plugins can also be installed.

The first start of the service might take a few seconds, please be patient. Also, the button to open a new tab for the LMS web-interface only works with Volumio 2.296+.

NB: A Squeezelite plugin has been released today (11-09-2017)

Squeezelite player plugin

Installs the latest known working version of Squeezelite.

Platform: Raspberry Pi; tested on 1 (B and B+), 2 and 3
Note: should work on all armhf devices.

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-squeezelite-plugin
File to download : volumio-squeezelite-plugin.zip

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable


Play on connect
This plugin allows to play the queue when a specific IP is detected on your network, and stop the play when this IP disappears.
Very convenient to hear your favorite track when you’ re back home, and to never forget to stop the music when you leave :wink:

source : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … yonconnect
File to download : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … onnect.zip

Author : Balbuze

Status : beta

LastFM plugin

Plugin to scrobble music played in Volumio 2.x to LastFM.

Platform: all (runs fully on NodeJS)

Source : github.com/Saiyato/volumio-lastfm-plugin
File to download : volumio-lastfm-plugin.zip

Author: Saiyato

Status: stable

Because the pushState pushes are hard to capture in a fashionable manner I had to write a timer function, I’m not yet fully trusting the timer, but since you can easily delete scrobbles I’m opening the project up for testing.

As the documentation/description states, you don’t need to save your password, an MD5 hash is saved to be used as an authentication token, this suffices. You do need an API key which you can request here; remember to save it! There’s not way to query the given token again!

Happy testing and please provide as much info as you can gather when you’re having troubles. In the plugin you can enable debug logging, which will explode the amount of logging the plugin does.

PS: documentation will follow, but I thought many people would be able to test it without much info. You just need to fill in your info. Saving your password is not needed, nor recommended (because it’s saved in plain text).

[Update 23-10-2017]
Webradio songs can now be scrobbled, see latest update (1.1.x)

[Update 01-12-2017]
Scrobbling for LMS will be incorporated in the Squeezelite plugin, if it uses the volatile state songs can be scrobbled easily.

[Update 20-05-2018]
Scrobbling for Radio paradise and all Spotify plugins has been enabled.

Onedrive Music Library

Plugin for browsing and playing audio files stored on Microsoft Onedrive. The authentication procedure requires some URL-copy-pasting, as explained on the config-page, but should be easy enough.

Source on Github

Download package

Issues / Bugs / Feature requests: Please create an issue on github

Status: beta

Author: Elmar Jansen (elmarj)

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Volstereo2mono 2022-May Deprecated! Do not use with Volumio 3. Use FusionDsp as official DSP plugin

This plugin downmix the signal from stereo to mono on both channel. Useful if you want to use it with volumio music box with one speaker !

source : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … tereo2mono

File to download for install : github.com/balbuze/volumio-plug … o2mono.zip

Status: beta

Author : balbuze

edit : move category to audio_interface

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