Dear Community,
I’d like to share with You few photos of my volumio audio player.
It’s hardware is based on ODROID C2 + VU7 display + HiFiShield2 / Topping D30, and the software is volumio 2.586.
The idea for the case came from RASPTOUCH case which i saw on - Thank You !
Tha case was made from 5 mm and 3 mm acrylic plexiglass. No bonding, only screews …
It consist of two part :
- the “base holder” for electronics, and
- the display case for display and buttons
This two parts are stacked together.
The design was made in Corel Draw - only in 2D …
So, the player look like this :
The case covered with printed and cutted white vinyl
The “naked” case
Controll Panel
Base Holder and the Display case
Empty Display Case