Hello Every One,
i’m facing some issues with the UI and the display of Covers in Albums view. First some informations about the system and my music structure:
- Platform: mini86
- Version: 2.201
- Library: NAS share (synology, cifs)
- Covers: every folder contains cover.jpg and every flac file got the same cover as tag written with foobar2000.
- Music Structure: See attached file ‘music_structure.png’
- Tagging:: all Tags are written with foobar2000 and contains all require Tags for the tasks mentioned below
- Web Album Art: Off. I put a lot work into my tagging and covers and want to use my covers and not some web downloads.
# Issue 1
My covers are displayed properly in Playback and Queue view, I’m faceing only problems in Browse -> Album view: Only the default picture is displayed not the Album cover. If i select the album to view the track list, i see my covers perfectly. Same issue in the Browse -> Artist view…
- Solution: Ongoing (since 20.07.2017): github.com/volumio/Volumio2/issues/1161
# Issue 2
If i select in Playback view the 3 dots ‘…’ and ‘go to Artist’ i get a perfect view of all Albums including Compliations AND Tracklist of this Artis (That’s so cool - Thanks a lot Volumio Team!!!). Unfortunately if i select in the same menue ‘go to Album’ i got an empty result page…
- Solution: open
In the future i want to place the music on an SSD drive and connect it directly to the mini86 pc, i’m not sure if this will fix it the cover issues. I hope there is an option to get my covers displayed in Album View and the Team fix the ‘go to Album’ option.