Hi there everybody,
I was wondering if volumio would run on a old low-end netbook, so I tested this on a ASUS eeePC 4G netbook (1Gb RAM, running it from a class 6, 4Gb or 8 Gb SD card). Low and behold, it works like a charm!
You can control Volumio via the netbook itself, but the on-screen interface is rather sluggish on this device. However the webinterface controlling it via another PC or smartphone works exellent. I also installed the Spotify plug-in, wich also works as intended.
The sound quality of this netbook is not so nice, so in the end I used a Turtle Beach Micro II USB DAC as audio output, which works perfectly.
The only tweak I used, is to prevent the netbook to go in suspend mode when the lid is closed: In an SSH session (using PuTTY, default user/pass = volumio) enter the following:
systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target
and press enter. This will stop all suspend triggers. You need of course to keep the A/C power plugged in when using it, otherwise you end up ruining your SD card.
I have made a video-tutorial showing how I did it. Watch it here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E46SZigqqxA, and like it, if you like it.