Volumio -no music on BNC output

Hi all,
I bought Raspberry PI3b+ / Allodigione signature few months ago. Had problems with it few times already,yet managed to sort problems until now. With this failure I need Your help.

While listening to music (everything was ok for a week or so) - delivered from USB SSD drive /Allodigione to external DAC and Aplifier music started sound like someone stopped and played music again in the same second. This shuttering sound last till I shut Volumio down. I changed batteries for clean side but it didn’t change a thing, so I did factory reset/ set volumio again and now I can’t play music at all. Well I can play, but I can’t hear a thing.
I noticed as well that a light indicator on my DAC shows no signal/music is going to the DAC.
I haven’t check jack or chinch connection with AlloDigione, maybe its BNC failure, yet maybe there is something else I can do/check? Any ideas?