Complete noob here trying to figure out why volumiowont start. Im hoping im just being dumb and its an easy fix. I have the rpi 3 with hifiberry digi+ loaded with the “easy installer” hifiberry suggests using and it loads to the atta hed picgure and stops. Im not sure what to do and cant find any answers. I also cant connect to volumio.local or directly to the rpi ip adress. Thanks
You are using Volumio 1.55, which doesn’t run on the Rpi 3 - you need to access the beta of Volumio 2 here:
You are using Volumio 1.55, which doesn’t run on the Rpi 3 - you need to access the beta of Volumio 2 here:
alright so i got the version 2.0 on the sd card and im now stuck at the same place i was before. i logged in as volumio and password: volumio. Do i need to enter a sudo command or something here?
edit: nevermind i got connected with volumio.local/ now, thanks for the answer!