I used a broken radio module. I found it in a second hand market for some euro:
I emptied it and used the case and some components (main switch and main power cable).
The components are:
Raspberry Pi B+ with Hifiberry DAC+ (connected to network via cable). Installed Volumio 2.
Wifi hard disc 1TB as NAS (is connected to network via cable). I can access to it from other devices, it is always on. I also added a “home” enlarger to switch on/off the disk from the main panel.
Power supply 5V 3A
A 16x2 LCD is connected to raspberry via USB
Main switch of power supply
RJ45 extension panel cable for the HD
Taking advantage of the original radio switch, I use it to connect or disconect the Raspberry. I added a led light in front panel to check if it is On.
Just try out - the problem in all following versions shows up as follows:
If you create a playlist containing 1 radio station and run the playlist the queue shows up “undefined” instead of the Radio Station Name.
Since that also the station buttons don’t work any longer.
It already has been reported on the forum but none took care or found a solution until now.