Volumio GUI unreachable

I have been using Volumio for a few years now without any issues, but now I have one.
I have Violumio 2.0 on a 16Gb card in a Pi Zero and all of a sudden it is not accessable by it’s ip address.
I have rebooted volumio several times as well as my router, then got the ip address from the routers interface, then tried to access volumio gui, no go.
Firefox reports an error occurred during connection, and Chrome says the ip address is unreachable.
I have also tried to load the GUI with volumio.local, but still no go.

Is there anything else I can check or do.

Seems the SD card got corrupted. I guess you need reflash the SD.

Yes maybe so, so I did reflash the sd card and now I can get to the web gui

I think you should take a new SD-Card, since you’ve been using it for a couple of years.
At least it’s working again.