Guys, I got the PI B+ (it had the same smell of my first model B, some time ago) . Arrived yesterday. It doesn’t work with Volumio 1.4 cause it needs a newer kernel, modules, elf and firmare files. So, got few time, but I managed to make an image compatible with both Raspberry PI B and B+
Since I were there, I upgraded the WebUI to latest version. This removes (is a temporary removal, we’re working on that) the Library Tab, adds Player name selection and fixes small bugs.
Since it features a new kernel, there could be some side-effects: some USB DACs may work better or worst, some may not be recognized and this will happen also for wireless sticks and so on.
Since the USB FIQ fix should be pretty mature and integrated into this kernel, you could also experience less crackles and better sound. This is what I experienced, but there is lot of variability with setups to be kept in mind.
So please share your feedbacks so I can improve for next version.
If however, some of you may want to retain its current configuration he just needs to connect via ssh to volumio and do:
[code]sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install binutils
sudo rpi-update[/code]
This implies you’ll have a working raspberry Pi model B where to perform what above. Also, it may happen that your USB DAC is muted when booted, just check with alsamixer and press m to unmute (this is fixed in the image).
Here is your download link @ sourceforge … p/download
- Removed Library Tab
- Added Player Name configuration (Works also for Airplay)
- Kernel Upgraded, compatible with B+ model
- Fixed unmuting script
- Improved NAS mounting
UPDATE: player name selection is not working, forgot to set appropriate permissions to rootfs before deploying the image. A temporary fix (unsafe, do at your own risk)
sudo chmod 777 /etc/hostname
sudo chmod 777 /etc/hosts