Volumio doesn't save changes?

Volumio Information

Volumio Version:2.806
Hardware: RPi 2


I have a problem with open.fm streaming radio. According to this topich:

i try to do the same. But:

  1. I open putty, input volumio Ip adress
  2. login volumio, password volumio.
  3. sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf Then I have to input password again.
  4. Input:
    decoder {
    plugin “faad”
    enabled “no”

Then CTR+O, enter, CTR+X

  1. When I check it now - everything is correct, changes has been saved.
  2. Reboot.
  3. putty/login/password/sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf - there is no changes :frowning:
    Am I do something wrong?

Volumio overwrites the mpd.conf file on reboot. You need to lock it with

sudo chattr +i /etc/mpd.conf

after you have made your changes.

Volumio overwrites the mpd.conf file on reboot. You need to lock it with

sudo chattr +i /etc/mpd.conf

after you have made your changes.

I don’t think that this is a good idea. The MPD configuration (like most of the other configuration in Volumio) isn’t designed to be hand edited. In this case the MPD configuration file is completely regenerated by Volumio whenever it thinks a change needs to be made, overwriting any edits that you have made by hand. Preventing Volumio from updating the file seems like a recipe for causing even bigger problems…

I agree with @timothyjward
An other way is to add your mod in


but be warned that Volumio update will fail due to this change in system files. So, you can reverse it to be able to update

volumio updater restorevolumio

Thank you, I’ve modified mpd.conf.tmpl and everything seems to be correct :slight_smile: