Volumio Device in iOS App Lost

Hi all,
Ive had my Volumio Primo for many years and it’s been great.
A few days back, after starting the Volumio iOS app, the device I had created and always use was not present for selection. Instead, the main page showed “Volumio” with a tiny green “New” label next to it as the device. This device even shows the name of the last song I played earlier that day. See attached picture.
Selecting the mentioned device, (the only one available) I was presented with the device creation wizard (page 1 of 8) See attached picture.

I don’t want to create a new device, just access the one I have always used which contains all my manually created playlists.
I immediately quit the app.
This keeps happening every time I start the app. and cannot access my device.
Can somebody help explaining what is going on?
…but more importantly how can I access the device I created.
Throughout the years I have created numerous playlists spending many many months in the process.
I don’t want to lose all that.
Can somebody please help!
Thank you in advance.

Can you access the device via the browser. It seems a factory reset has been done.

Your playlists are stored to volumio servers, as soon as you logon with your account (myVolumio) they will be restored.

I have accessed through the browser in the past. Will try again and see but am afraid my playlists are local since I use the Primo stand alone, no subscription.
Are the playlists stored somewhere in the file system where I could extract them?
I am technically competent where with some pointers I could do it.
Thank you.

you can check with ssh if there are still files in:

If it’s not the data is gone, caused by a factory reset or mayor release update.

I’ll check those paths.

Automatic updates without prompting, specially of major versions with possible big implications is not good.

I got burned once before and had to recreate all playlists from scratch… months of work wasted.
It’d be a big bummer if that’s the case again because I like the Volumio sound, but I’d be moving on to a different solution where i can better manage local playlists.
Thank you for the help!!

you can install the “Backup & Restore Data” plugin.

Only updates are automatically pushed if you set it to auto.
Every update shows a list of what has changed, which I strongly advise to read, prior to pressing update.
No mayor updates have been pushed as far as I know lately but even then you’re notified on what will/might happen.

So not sure if it is valid to blame Volumio for it.

Hear you, but I have manual updates and the current situation was without warning.
True, we don’t know what happened.
I do read the release notes but the previous time I lost the playlists there was no mention it would happen as a consequence of the upgrade.

All playlists were in /data/playlist and are now safely backed up in my PC.
With more time, I’ll go through the Volumio wizard and see what happens.
Thank you for the help!!!