Volumio Debian Buster Beta - Raspi images debugging


here some logs after a boot from a fresh image right after completing the wizard:

dmesg.txt (23.6 KB) journalctl.txt (161.5 KB) mpd.txt (589 Bytes) systemctl.txt (36.1 KB)

Thanks, I don’t see anything fishy from a quick look. I’ll do some debugging/digging over the weekend.

@ashthespy ash the 3.010 boots from sd but if i install via ssd on usb 3.1 he hangs on tty not found. gonna try reinstall on ssd @ 35. in install and breaks bash script.partition not found…

IIRC, Volumio doesn’t support USB booting on for the pi - check this PR for some history

@ashthespy oke so i don’t have to look in to it again …it won’t boot from ssd :stuck_out_tongue:
btw the pi 4 does support it now with the 64bit version if you flash the eeprom.
i would say look at it again the posts are 2 old to say it wouldn’t boot…

I suggest sticking to 4.x kernel. From my test 5.x for pi is way too unstable. It’s not wise to put it into the mix as of now…

@volumio it just play’s oke for me … will test the plugin’s didn’t that yet
and unstable this runs better than the old versions… on my sparky i will stick to this one …
btw the kernel runs better than my sparky mutch better 4 me :slight_smile:

@ashthespy ash on the 3.10 did you have your display showing up on your pi 4
is there a work around for this? i use it now with a external browser…

found it you have to use the touch display plugin …
bug : skins are bit broken… volume dail and other dail are gone…
on classic they will show up :stuck_out_tongue:
touch error

@dvo I guess you installed the Touch Display plugin from the plugin store. The version you get from there is not compatible with the Buster beta, because the beta uses another hardware ID for Raspberry Pis (“raspberry” instead of “pi” on the published Jessie based releases). This causes the install script to not execute the steps necessary for Raspberry Pis and which in turn is most likely the reason for the error message you posted.

Some time ago I provided a version of the plugin which takes the different hardware ID of the Buster beta into account.

If my assumption is right that you installed from plugin store, I would recommend to uninstall the plugin and reinstall manually from the command line using the .zip file you find in the the post I linked.

@gvolt oke i will do that :stuck_out_tongue: tnx gvolt
does this work on the 3.10 ver. 5.4 kernel? i can’t manual install plugin’s like the old versions…
@ashthespy do you know how? he says installed all went oke but doesn’t show or work …
using the RPi Volumio-3.010-2020-08-21-pi plugins out of volumio plugin will work…

I just installed the Volumio-3.010-2020-08-21-raspberry image and then the plugin from the touch_display_1_1_9beta02.zip without issues.

After copying touch_display_1_1_9beta02.zip to /home/volumio from this directory proceed as follows:

  1. Create a directory for unzipping the plugin package:
    mkdir touch_display

  2. Unzip the plugin package to the newly created directory:
    miniunzip touch_display.zip -d touch_display

  3. Change into the directory with the unzipped files:
    cd touch_display

  4. Install the plugin:
    volumio plugin install

@gvolt @giorgosperi @ashthespy
on 3.10 i found out that he didn’t create the folder miscellanea so it didn’t work at the time
i have created the folder in data/plugins/miscellanea/
and for youtube the data/plugins/music_service/youtube/ by looking in my sparky.
tnx anyway gvolt for your respond. your beta 2 plugin of touch_display works oke still missing the dail’s
but that’s something that didn’t go right in this version…for youtube i used the 0.1.0 ( 20191224) updated the mpd to the latest version 2.2.2 in the youtube folder i runned npm install ytdl-core@latest inside to get the last version of npm… then did a reboot … at first it’s a bit wonky but it will settel after a while… it stops playing with youtube some times after a few songs but now it plays full songs no cut offs on 3/4 of a song with youtube plugin. but some times it will stop at 6 sec. with playing… btw if we wanna kill the the on 6 sec stop we had to let the new song starting on a -1 sec that will solve te problem…instead of starting on 0

I am not sure what/how your installing the plug-ins, but you shouldn’t have to create any folders in /data manually.

For the touch-display plugin please see @gvolt’s reply a few posts above – the new version with the downgraded node version (v8.x) shouldn’t impact anything in the version uploaded by @gvolt

For youtube, I am not sure, again plugins shouldn’t require you to perform any additional extra steps now as this version (.010 and 009) both are running on Nodejs v8 - the same as current Volumio and hence shouldn’t require any rebuilding.

@gvolt, @volumio
Side question – is there any reason why we don’t install the fake kernel packages into the build directly for the pi?

Yes, the downgraded node version has no effect on the touch display plugin. Yesterday I installed the plugin from touch_display_1_1_9beta02.zip on Volumio-3.010-2020-08-21-raspberry and encountered no problems.

I even installed the (incompatible) plugin version from the plugin store, uninstalled it and then installed from touch_display_1_1_9beta02.zip. After that the plugin worked, too. Nice test for the new uninstall script :wink:

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I guess the necessity of these fake packages popped up in the early days of the touch display plugin. But as @macmpi already remarked in this PR other packages than chromium(-browser) could undesireably affect the packages libraspberrypi0, raspberrypi-bootloader and raspberrypi-kernel, too. So this could be a reason to make installing fake packages independent from a specific plugin / the touch display plugin.

didn’t create data but had to create /miscellanea and /music_service folder to get it running…
if i didn’t do that i could install normal but if i looked in the plugins they would not be there…

i install normally like gvolt wrote above in the folder of volumio put the zip there extract it
then go in to the folder to run volumio plugin install after it all installed oke so no errors
but didn’t show up in my installed plugins after a reboot… all included plugins will install normal.

it was a total fresh img of the 3.10 with no plugins installed… i looked in data folder there were no
folders miscellanea or music_service

Since that build PR which forbids them (no need to actually install them to do so), there should not be any need to take care of those packages within plugins install scripts (touch-display or any other).

@macmpi Yes, I thought that, too. But not too long ago I removed the relevant commands from the install script of the touch display plugin for testing purposes and IIRC the packages which should have been on hold have been downloaded and installed nevertheless. I will recheck ASAP.

Pi4? Maybe some package naming changed in line with dealing with arm64 kernel for those beasts?

Yes, tested on a Pi4 running the published version of Volumio (not beta). I don’t remember the version number of Volumio but tests were done at the end of June / the beginning of July this year.