Hello the community !
I have been enjoying Volumio since 2 years now, and really enjoying it.
I have Rasp 4 + Hifiberry DAC+ Flac music from a NAS. Everything on the same network together with the speakers, via their DAC modules called "Connect’
I found that when streaming music from the NAS directly to the speaker the music quality is far better, than through Volumio reading from the NAS and sending to speakers in RCA. I believe this is because Volumio is decoding digital to analog to the speaker, which then code again in digital before reading the music)
My question then is : how can we use Volumio to act as DLNA streamer without decoding the music ? I want Volumio to use the NAS and app (QOBUS) and radios, and stream to my XEO wireless speakers, which can decode DLNA stream and play music.
I have been searching for an answer without any success so far
Thanks for the help !