Hi Volumio!
I am not sure this is the right place for this, and I am not sure if you are looking for feedback on the app in the android app store. With having some experience with app project management / testing on android, I think a few improvements could be made:
- The back buttons in android don’t work. This is a very jarring experience for android users. It is like taking away the back button in a browser on PC. Honestly, its unexpectable.
- I couldn’t find any place to empty my playback queue, had to go to the web version to clear my playback queue.
- I have tried the app on an android tablet, and there in landscape mode, you have the navigation on the left side (just like in browser on PC), which is great. Sadly, this doesn’t appear on phone. In fact, on phone landscape mode doesn’t really work at all.
- Sometimes the app becomes unresponsive, especially when you are using another app in the meanwhile, it has a high chance to become unresponsive and you have to kill it.
Honestly, there are plenty more of improvements to be made, but those 4 are the ones that bothered me the most at this point and are high priority bugs imho. Do you have any interest to have more feedback on this? I am willing to give feedback on multiple production cycles if that would be helpful, but I am honestly not sure if you are improving the app at all at this point. (if that is the case, should I just use browser on mobile?).
Hope this helps, and please let me know what your plans are with the app. If it is an abandonned project that makes sense and I will just use the web app (shouldn’t you remove it from the app store then though?)