Volumio Version: 2.917
Hardware: Official 7" Pi Touchscreen, IR Sensor, Stepdown converter (to power IR sensor off 5v output of DAC)
DAC: HiFiBerry Dac2 Pro
The DAC does not output sound with Volumio. I have done the following:
Start with a fresh install of Volumio (see version at top)
Installed Plug-ins
IR Remote Control
Set to GPIO 17 (which is not used by HiFiBerry DAC)
Enable SSH
Add custom LIRC files to data/Internal for the PDP Gaming Remote and Apple Remote 1294 Alternative
Confirm IR Sensor works
No DAC output at all (but light is on indicating its working)
Confirmed that it already has dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus
Removed the dtparam=audio=on line
Added force_eeprom_read=0
Added a /etc/asound.conf file using the specified text, and tested with the aplay and got the correct output.
Anyone have any thoughts? I’m getting close to just chucking this OS entirely and looking for something else (HiFiBerry OS doesn’t look as good as this at all, but functions out of the box) as while I really like it, if its going to keep being clunky like this I wont be able to keep maintaining it,
Problem is this dac never got tested with volumio and we don’t get any info from hifiberry on how to support their hardware.
Plese ask them to get in touch with us and we will see how to make them work reliably.
FWIW, before posting this thread, I also tried a fresh install of the 3.129-2021-10-29 beta wondering if that would fix it since it uses the newer Linux Kernel, but had the same problems (and the ir remote controller plug-in was not available, and I didn’t know if I would be able to get the IR sensor working without it).
Also, sorry for the grumpiness, this has just taken up way more of my time than I’d imagined and I was concerned that it was a legit hardware incompatibility problem, while it appears to be more software based at this point.