Volumio and 5" touch screen

Hi all,

this is my setup :
Raspberry P3 model B
32 GB Samsung Evo plus SD
Hallo Boss Master DAC
geeekpi 5 inch Capacitive Touch Screen 800 x 480 HDMI TFT LCD
volumio-2.323-2017-11-17-pi image

I have installed the touch screen plugin and all works well, the only thing it’s probably due to 5" LCD instead of 7".
The volumio vertica width screen is a little bit too big so i have the lateral scrolling bar with a 1-2 millimeter of vertical scrolling, not in all screen, the top bar with “VOLUMIO |< > >| *” and the bottom bar with “Browse - Playback - Queue”, are fixed, the background image is fixed but the 2 circle (with time and volume), the cover image and song title they have a small vertical scrolling, about 1-2 mm.

I hope was clear, is there a way to block the screen or reduce the vertical width a little?

Thanks a lot


I’m thinking about two possible way to solve the problem, first one is to zoom out a little in chromium, the second one (i think better) is to modify the volumio web page theme but at this moment i can’t find where is stored, any suggestion?


Hi all,
I answer myself, someone could have the same problem.
Unfortunately it’s my first time with web pages and only after a long search i have finally found the html file : app-7eb88bde8f.css (stored in var/volumio/http/www/app/theme/volumio/assets/volumio/), i made lot of attemps to find how to modify the page, i have solved reducing the top margin of two circle, now with the 5" screen the default volumio page is perfect.

Thanks all

Interesting work. What platform & version are you using? I have the same problem on RPi3 with latest volumio 2.348. But I don’t have any file or path like you describe. The closest I can find is:


What specific CSS code did you find & change?

Hi, i have instaled the volumio-2.323-2017-11-17-pi image (pratically untouched), this is part of code inside app-7eb88bde8f.css I have changed :





The only auther modification are touch screen plugin installed, hide pointer (-- -nocursor) inside /lib/systemd/system/volumio-kiosk.service, and some adds line inside config file in boot partition to use LCD.

Hope this can help

Hi everybody!
I use a waveshare 5" touchscreen. I was thinking about that: What if I turn vertically my screen(I have kernel plugins to do that)? would I have the mobile displaying? I think that it would be a good alternative to the fact of having a too small screen…