Hi, i have been very happy using volumio for the last year or so, however since flashing volumio3 to an sd card it wont boot on RPI4 with iqaudio dac pro. Showing a recovery elf and recovery4 elf ect not found error…
I have since reflashed four times on two different cards following the volumio directions each time, but still have the same problem… Have i missed/forgotten something?
I was thinking the same, but i have since tried it on another sd card, again to no avail… I’ve downloaded it three time, just in case it was a corrupted file ect, i even thought that it might be the pi4, though it seems to be running a number of other programs and os just fine …
I have ordered a bunch of new cards to check…
Just to clarify, i’ve downloaded vol 3 from the volumio site, and flash it using rpimager…
Oops, i had indeed forgot to unzip the file though i’m pretty sure that i didn’t have to do that last time…Maybe i did, oh the joys of getting older…
Now i’m having trouble connecting to volumio local in my browser, which is chromium 95 running on RPiOS bullseye… A hotspot has been created, but it will not let me join…