I have installed Volumio 3 on my PI4 with ES9023 DAC.
I managed quite easily to set all the things including the connexion to my NAS and upload of my whole music library.
But when I press the “play” button to start listening to music… nothing happens.
Good internet connexion, well set…
I don’t understand ==> any tips?
After my plugins gone incl. the virtual keyboard which is almost a must for me, I am really considering going back to volumio2.
Did you try restart after renewing the Playback Options?
Would you share a log please?
Ideally from a fresh reboot, after reproduction of the problem.
Note: In case you re-install Volumio 2: it will go EOL soon, there will be no maintenance. Update to Volumio 3 asap so you do not miss out on all the new features.
Regarding Volumio 2, I agree that EOL is an issue but the V3 has weaknesses that are really a pain for my usage of Volumio (virutal keyboard as an exemple)
There is no problem with using Volumio 2 at all, you can continue using it.
I was just trying to make clear that it will have no more support.
We are improving V3 steadily, it had a long beta period but obviously we still missed a few things.
Plugins are a community issue and this has been communicated as such.
There is an ongoing effort to support community devs to get their plugins V3-ready.
I’m not sure if that’s the right place, but I have the same issue after having updated one of my Volumios to 3.396 (Running on Raspi 3b with Hifiberry DAC+ Pro).
Volumio finds my UPNP Server and I can crowl through my albums and select a tune, but it just doesn’t play. It neither plays radio stations.
I don’t think it’s the audio hardware, as Volumio sends the starting melody; and if it was the hardware, the UI would look like tunes are getting played, which isn’t the case.
My second Volumio device running 2.917 still works like a charm (Raspi 3b with Hifiberry DAC2 HD).
Is there an older version of Volumio available so I can restore the one in order to try if it’s an issue with the Volumio distribution? Just in order to eliminate the possibility that the hardware has an issue.
I have stopped to look after a solution to this issue.
I have indeed discovered the HifiBerry AMP2 which is fully integrated into Volumio but also and more importantly is matching my project needs.
So I moved.
And it worked.