Volumio 3.742 + Spotify plugin 4.10 Bugs

I have been using Volumio and Spotify connect for several years without any issue.
Just last week, I upgraded Spotify plugin to 4.02 4.10 and lost all of my networked RasPi players. I could not see any of them in the Spotify app.
After one day of struggle, I’ve found out the only way to solve this problem is clean installation. If any of you having the same issue, do not waste your time like I did. Wipe and clean install.


euh, why install an outdated version of Spotify, current stable version is 4.10?


I made a mistake. It was ver 4.10 plugin, that caused a problem after in-place upgrade.I will edit my posting. Thanks for pointing it out.

It turned out that the problem wais on the Spotify side.
According to the librespot discussion in Github, Spotify made a bad API update and broke all players not only Volumio. Spotify reverted back to the old API which fixed the issue a few days ago. Something to remember in future if/when the similar problem arises.


Wipe may not be needed.
I found some old fix in /etc/hosts but spotify ip addresses were already invalid. Try remove these lines or update to current values.
… and reinstall plugin or restart volumio or both.

I fixed bad ips and also added all hostnames from https://apresolve.spotify.com but this may not be necessary. It may even be problematic in future if ips will change.

at the moment the Spotify plugin continues to stop playback and then slows down the controls.

What to do?

p.s. clear instance, all versions the last.

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At least I can confirm that re-installation fixed the problem in my case.

Another clean reinstallation of the system temporarily solved the issue.

on the instances that I updated just yesterday, I noticed the error “Alsa busy” was before update, which get freezes and spotify silent when try to play.
on one of the clean instances 2 weeks ago, I noticed today that the sound completely stopped.
In general, I found an interesting combination to fix it:

  1. log out from the Spotify plugin
  2. then reboot Volumeio
  3. log in to the Spotify plagin.
    After which Spotify gave a voice, and become controlled without freezes.

P.S. In general, the Spotify service works well on the native application, but I did not think that it is so buggy through plugins!

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today spotify plugin (on 2 weeks long clear instance ) stopped play in the middle of track and do not pass authorization.
nothing helps.

version 3.742
spotify plugin 4.1.0

reinstall system DON NOT resolve unknown issue with spotify plugin.

p.s. I don’t know what happen, but in 1 hour plugin pass authentication and start playing.

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I also experience problems to connect via Spotify Connect these last days.
Eventually reinstalled the plugin, it worked well but this morning again the Windows Spotify app is unable to connect to Volumio.
So I decided to use the Spotty app in Lyrion (Logitech) Media Server that works well on the first attempt.
I’ll wait for the next update…

For me, everything is working after re-installation of the entire home Raspi players. I assigned static IP for each one of them and made sure it remains the same as the previous installation. I found more in depth discussion here regarding librespot (open source client library for Spotify) which might gives you some hints. spotifyd keeps skipping to next song without playing anything · Issue #1299 · Spotifyd/spotifyd · GitHub

I also have issues. I cannot connect to my volumio devices via spotify at all, doesnt matter if I use the Andriod App or a Windows client. I can connect between Window/Linux/Android, its just the Volumio devices I cannot connect to from any device.

OS: 3.742
Spotify plugin: 4.10 (had the same issue with 4.0.3)

Just to clarify, “Volumio devices” mean stand-alone player like Volumio Primo?
I asked because my experience is limited to RaspPi player I installed myself.

I also had the probem with volumio boxes not being found on Spotify.

This works at least for me:

1: ssh to volumio box
2: in the file /etc/hosts there are two entrys for spotify.com (mentioned earlier on this thread), remove or comment them out
3: disable and then re-enable spotify plugin

Now the volumio should reappear on Spotify, if not then

4: uninstall and reinstall the Spotify plugin

Hope this helps you too :slight_smile:

… I wonder what was the original idea with adding these ip addresses to /etc/hosts in first place?

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Thanks for the very useful info provided, this helped us address the issue quickly (very hard since it depends on geo-location of the user)


Thanks for this followups!
I updated Spotify plugin to 4.1.1 for my entire troops of RasPi players (5 RasPis from different generations). They are all working like a charm!

a recent change on response of some Spotify endpoints and some workarounds that the old plugin was adding to the /etc/hosts file.

Indeed, “workaround” is just that. It is never the solution and could cause unexpected glitches under certain circumstances.


Is it possible there’s another issue with this plugin that could be making Volumio unresponsive or extremely sluggish? Ever since the issues reported here (which I also encountered); I’ve also run into the following:

  • Spotify plugin interferes with ALSA, even when not in use: I was trying to use Tidal Connect and ran into the red “unable to use ALSA device” error. When I tried resetting the player by switching output device from a USB or I2S DAC to, say, headphones or HDMI out; I’d get a red “Spotify: cannot use ALSA device” error. Switching back to the I2S or USB dac would bring up the error again, implying some Spotify plugin process was running in the background. I had to uninstall the plugin, restart Volumio, and reinstall the plugin to fix it

  • Ever since these issues started, I’ve also experienced very slow operation times on one RPi4B 8gb device. So much that I thought my SD card was failing, so I bought a new, 128gb fast SD card and reinstalled everything. Operation was fine; until I installed the Spotify plugin (4.1.1 this time), and the device started to slow down again. An uninstall of the plugin and system restart made it responsive again. For reference, this system is running the following additional plugins: System Information, Touch Display, and FusionDSP. It is also using an Innomaker Dac Pro and an official RPi 7" touch display.

Any ideas as to what could be happening? @volumio @Marco_Melziade

I do not know whether my experience is related or not, one of my DAC stop working with 4.1.1 plugin. It was working refectory under 4.10. It is HiFiBerry DAC plus (clone) with PCM 5122 chip set. I replaced it another spare DAC, but still the same. It had no sound. I ended up replacing it with pHAT DAC (clone) with 5102 chip set which is now working.

If you want hardware stick to the official brand. Stop throwing money at cheap Chinese clones. Hifiberry spends a lot of resources to build good HATS. If we want them to keep doing this, they should be able to make some money on their hard work, which can again be used for new stuff.

Hi. My case was with an ess 9038q2m implementation and another brand-name USB dac using a dsd1793 implementation.