Volumio 3.5 Supersearch and Infinity Playback Public Beta Testing

A few days ago I activated my Premium account. In the Appearance menu I only see Change Language, I can’t see anything else. No search by AI.
I am running V 3.512.

You activate it in the search field, look for the toggle switch

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Hi, I installed version 3.512 and have been trying to use Super Search. After a few seconds searching it returns a few results and then restarts Volumio.
Afterwards it fails to start playing and I need to power cycle my rpi to get it back.

RPi 4 model 1.4
Volumio 3.512
Test modes off

Without Super Search everything works normally.


Edit: if I disable the DSP plugin I get the same behaviour, but am able to cancel the supersearch and then play music using the normal search without power cycling.

EDIT2: I went through disabling all my plugins and re-enabling them one by one. It’s the Soundcloud plugin (@patrickkfkan). With Soundcloud disabled (and all other plugins enabled), super search works as expected. With Soundcloud enabled, Volumio restarts when super searching.

EDIT3: Uninstalled Soundcloud (0.1.5), restarted and reinstalled same version and now s.search works with Soundcloud enabled.

EDIT4 (sorry!): I just tried the exact same thing on another Volumio system (same software and plugins, but this is a RPi 3B). Same problem as on the first system (Volumio restarting when using Super Search). Again I uninstalled Soundcloud 0.1.5, restarted. Super Search works. Reinstall Soundcloud and again the search is working perfectly.
Probably not a common issue, but if you have the Soundcloud plugin, please try the above if you’re having problems.

The search itself is good, but I really like the related artists that pop up in artist view and related albums in album view.

ok done that, still getting “No Items”, here is the log file: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/N9rIXal.html

Can you please provide the exact supersearch queries you are performing?

I read earlier that the same thing happened with YT or YT Music plugin (couldn’t remember which one), so I don’t think it was caused by any particular plugin.

Is the supersearch feature close-sourced and Premium only? If so, then I can’t possibly determine what’s causing this.

From the logs, I do see this that caused the crash:

|||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1146:16) {
  errno: -111,
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '',
  port: 443

Whatever the reason for connecting to localhost through HTTPS port, the Soundcloud plugin itself doesn’t do this.

By the way, is there an option for the user to exclude a plugin from supersearch? My concern is that, by looking at the logs, supersearch is making 25 search requests for each plugin, all within a split second. Do you think there will be a risk that this will run up to many requests within a short interval, to the point that a remote service thinks you’re spamming and block you out?

for example…
british metal
summer music
sounds like the doors
jazz from the 1970’s

In the browse menu I searched for
80s artpop
1984 postpunk
indie bands 1990s

All caused the same restart of Volumio, but now don’t after I uninstalled Soundcloud, power cycled and reinstalled Soundcloud.

I can imagine that most people would only want to include Spotify and their own media. Or at least I would.

Thanks you, that’s it ! Infinity playback needs manifest ui.

Like SimonE same for me; the related artists function in combination with my Qobuz subscription.

This is really not helping my vinyl addiction. I was just forced to order albums from Pylon and Suburban Lawns because of this feature. Thanks a lot Volumio!


This comment made my day Simon!

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Can you show all how you discovered it?

Maurizio, very simple; to see related artists and related albums you first have to enable the artists and albums visability in “Sources”.

Yes, i’ve already done this, but i still do not understand how the related artist function will be shown and where…

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On the artist page you find the related artists just below the artist bio link. You need premium and also have to choose manifest as the UI.

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I just want to say that I love the infinity playback. I discovered a lot of music already with this function. I heard many people raving about Roon radio. This is at least as good and is still improving. Marketing wise I would call it Radio Volumio. Which sounds way more appealing than infinity playback. Keep up the good work!

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Radio volumio might sound a bit like it’s copied from Roon?