I’m new new in this forum. For some time I was using some Volumio 2.xyz version on rpi 3B+.
I recently upgraded it to Volumio 3.449 (from scratch), but I’m now experiencing a lot of problems, as the system blocks randomly after few minutes. I checked the log file with no success, so I’m now trying this Forum.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance.,
Thank you!
I suspected the problem was somehow releted to Youtube plugins, so yesterday I reflashed the SD card without the two plugins… and everything is working fine.
I will try the new plughins and let you know.
I reinstalled Volumio 3.449 from scratch without the two Youtube plugins and it was working for some hours.
Yesterday I reinstalled the two plugins and it was still working… but today after a couple of hours it stopped playing. Volumio was not reacheable and ping didn’t get reply.
RPI switched off and on… it is playing again !