Volumio 3.449 on rpi 3B+ stops working after few minutes

I’m new new in this forum. For some time I was using some Volumio 2.xyz version on rpi 3B+.
I recently upgraded it to Volumio 3.449 (from scratch), but I’m now experiencing a lot of problems, as the system blocks randomly after few minutes. I checked the log file with no success, so I’m now trying this Forum.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance.,

Log File

Sequence of operations

  1. Power-on rpi
  2. Music starts with last album
  3. Cannot connect to Volumio from smartphone via WiFi; ping doesn’t work
  4. Reset router
  5. Connection to Volumio is ok, I can navigate Volumio menus and I can browse local content but music doesn’t play
  6. After some time, WiFi connection between smartphone and Volumio is KO again, but this time ping works.
  7. connect to Volumio via ssh and shutdown rpi
  8. power-on rpi
  9. Music starts with last album. I can navigate Volumio menus, I can play internet radio, Youtube… but local music doesn’t work

Hello, Volumio version 3.449 Not working. Had the same problem with Raspberry 3. Please revert to a previous version.

There has been a problem with the Youtube plugins, which is now solved.
You can read more here:

Short answer: reflash your SD Card and reinstall the youtube plugin

It is working… otherwise the forum will be flooded. Please be more specific with your issue and we’ll try to solve it together

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Thank you!
I suspected the problem was somehow releted to Youtube plugins, so yesterday I reflashed the SD card without the two plugins… and everything is working fine.
I will try the new plughins and let you know.


Hy Michelangelo , I flashed My Card. Now Working Fine. Thanks. Jürgen

Hello MIchelangelo,

I reinstalled Volumio 3.449 from scratch without the two Youtube plugins and it was working for some hours.
Yesterday I reinstalled the two plugins and it was still working… but today after a couple of hours it stopped playing. Volumio was not reacheable and ping didn’t get reply.
RPI switched off and on… it is playing again !

New log:
