Volumio 3.3 public release: Volumio HUB features

As you might know, we do consider our beloved community as an active part of Volumio Team: the community has and is still shaping how Volumio evolves over time. So, when we plan new developments and direction, it’s the community where we look first for inspiration.

What got our attention lately was the big number of requests we were receiving for features such as playing Volumio’s output to different devices, such as Chromecast or SONOS. At first, we did not see much value in those suggestions (after all, our core focus has always been high quality music playback). But then, we realised that Volumio is actually also a very powerful music aggregator, which is compatible with far more music sources than most music players out there.

So, it makes sense that someone wants to exploit this convenience and play their favourite music also to other endpoints, when audio quality is not that important (for example when cooking, working, gardening or having a party).

This, in a nutshell, is what inspired the latest round of features that you will see coming to Volumio. In short, those features will make Volumio YOUR UNIVERSAL MUSIC PLAYER.

And never leaving behind our tradition, before releasing to everybody we want to invite you to the public beta testing.

So, without further ado, let’s see what this beta brings:


Previously only available for Premium users, the Manifest UI will now be available for both Free and Premium Users. We believe the Manifest UI is the best in terms of aesthetics and music presentation, so we decided everyone should have it. Old UIs are still available, but will be decommissioned (maybe becoming optional plugins) soon.

In addition to have it available for all, we worked on the redesign portion. We’ve made improvements to be more accessible and user friendly, especially on the mobile version, easily reachable by tapping with your thumbs.


On the Manifest UI, you will find on the bottom right the Output Menu. Here you can find:

  • Volume control
  • Remote Control: the Remote control option on any Volumio device. (IMPRO)
  • Multiroom Control Management with improvements. (IMPRO)
  • Play Here Function (NEW FEAT!)
  • Sonos and Chromecast outputs (NEW FEAT)


This new feature, available for Premium users, allows you to stream the audio from Volumio to your mobile device, your computer and also your smart TV. Pretty much everywhere the UI is displayed.

This means that you can enjoy Volumio as a normal Music Player app when you work at your PC, or via bluetooth headphones connected to your mobile phone.

We can also have this feature to be possible to use it also outside the local network. If there’s a demand from you guys, we can work on it, since theoretically, it can be possible thanks to the existing MyVolumio Remote connection infrastructure.


Available for Premium users: you can cast whatever you are playing in Volumio to any Chromecast and Sonos devices. Now Volumio is compatible with different endpoints from the single app.

Basically, pretty self-explanatory: output whatever audio you are playing on Volumio to your Chromecast enabled devices (Google Home, Chromecast enabled Soundbar, Chromecast Audio and so on) and SONOS devices.

The stream happens thanks a low-latency HLS encoding which can be sent to any of the above devices. Please note that synchronisation is not possible between Chromecast devices and SONOS devices, but you can play to a Sonos Group to have audio synchronised to that group.

NOTE: Play here, Cast to Chromecast, Cast to Sonos are available for Premium users only (Virtuoso will not have such features, but old Superstar ones will).

Look here for a preview:

Some of you will also notice that there’s a slight rebranding going on. We’ve dropped the “Audiophile Music Player” payoff in favour of “The Music Player”.

First of all, don’t worry, our first and primary focus will always be on Sound Quality, but we feel that Volumio as it is today can become the One-Stop-Shop for ALL music lovers.

We believe that the values that we audiophiles believe in, can be of great enjoyment also to the wider music community, and the increased convenience of Volumio as the central hub for music playback can be appealing also for audiophiles.

What do you think? Are we going into the right direction? Do you like what you see and do you have feedback?

We would love to have an open discussion about this, so, don’t be shy and let us know!

Join our public beta testing!

Everything works as it should but we want to gather your feedback and suggestions to assure every tiny matter is fixed before the official release. And let us know what you like.

If you find something wrong, not working or you have feedback, please use this thread to signal it.


The new versions will require you to set-up your device in TEST MODE:

  • Type your IP address in any browser, followed by /dev (example http://{your.i.p.address}/dev
  • Below test mode, click on TRUE
  • Return to the UI and check for updates
  • Update and enjoy

IMPORTANT: When those new features will become available to the general public, we will stop using the TEST channel, so by that time, remember to disable TEST MODE.

If you find something not working as it should, please report that by adding the following info:

  • Device, Audio output
  • Clear explanation on how to replicate the problem
  • Send a log ( SEE: How to send a log link for a bug report? ) and paste the link in this thread, along with the explanation of the problem.

Version History:

3.369 - Initial Beta release

3.378 - Second Beta release

Fix for multiroom groups not showing correctly when using remote view
Scroller for long list of devices in the output menu
Local playback for iOS fixed
New local playback icon
Remote feature renamed to “Switch device”
Device name bottom right is cut when too long
Bigger hitbox for volume slider
Fixes for devices with smaller screens
Fix for no audio on multiroom after cast playback



Hi, what a great set of new features. Couldn’t resist, so I installed the beta version as I was particularly interested in the ‘Play here’ option. It turned out that ‘Play here’ worked flawlessly on a Samsung Galaxy Tab, but not on my iPhone Xr with latest iOS (with/without headphone adapter, both on Safari and Chrome). Work in progress, I suppose… Tried it on a Mac (Safari and latest MacOS): works like a breeze. Great work, Volumio team!

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Hi Mervin,

it’s a pleasure to see the development of Volumio and especially the x86/amd64 section is in progress again!

You asked for feedback regarding features. For me personally the focus lies completely on a simple and intuitive UI, stability, robustness of the complete system and - of course, first of all - sound quality. So please don’t be disappointed not receiving a “whoohoo!” about features like multi room, play here, cast to XXX from me. :wink:

Anyway - I said it before and I repeat it here as well with a strong convincement: You are doing a great job developping and pushing forward ths really excellent piece of software Volumio! I’m using it now for more than 4.5 years on different hardware and I’m still very pleased and satisfied with it.

I’ll post my test results regarding the first beta version in a few minutes.

Take care!


Hi @mervinio ,

just tested first beta version: Volumio-3.369-2022-09-19-x86_amd64.img

Userlevel: Volumio Superstar

After first boot from USB stick (not update the internal SSD):

no startup sound at first boot :x:
WEB UI is working. :white_check_mark:
local UI (HDMI) is completely white, mouse pointer is visible and reacting, but there’s no UI. :x:
An at first boot time attached USB stick with music files is not scanned automatically . I had to start an “update” at “Sources”. :x:

the playback does work (tried webradio, TIDAL, TIDALconnect and local music lib). :white_check_mark:
index of local files (music library) scan or update does work. :white_check_mark:
automount and index scan of local new plugged media does work. :white_check_mark:

SPDIF ok, but there is sometimes a little cnack when switching manually from track to track :white_check_mark:
HDMI ok, but high resolution files sound broken over the first 5-10 seconds (MP3 96 kHz 32 bit, WAV 96 kHz 32 bit, WAV 192 kHz 32 bit, WAV 352.8 kHz 32 bit, DSD 2.82 MHz 1 bit, DSD 5.64 MHz 1 bit, DSD 11.28 MHz 1 bit, flac 96 kHz 24 bit, ) This error occurs when high sync rates (higher than 48k) on the HDMI bus appear. :x:
analogue out ok (SPDIF stays “on”) :white_check_mark:
Testfiles ok, various formats and resolutions mp3(44.1, 48kHz @ 16bit 24bit), flac(44.1, 48, 96, 192kHz @ 16bit 24bit), wav(44.1, 48, 96, 192, 352.8kHz @ 32bit), DSD (2.82, 5.64MHz @ 1bit)
Webradio ok :white_check_mark:
myVolumio ok :white_check_mark:
TIDAL ok :white_check_mark:
TIDALconnect ok :white_check_mark:
Qobuz not tested
music lib index ok (artists, albums, tracks, playtime) :white_check_mark:
ssh / logs ok :white_check_mark:
samba ok :white_check_mark:
plugin installation ok (FusionDSP has been installed, it took a long time because some 54 dependency packages had to be installed first) :white_check_mark:
plugin FusionDSP is working but there might be some issues switching from tidalconnect to local playback
local UI not ok :x:
WEB UI ok :white_check_mark:
background image upload ok :white_check_mark:
USB automount ok :white_check_mark:
LAN ok :white_check_mark:
WLAN not tested
Network Drives ok :white_check_mark:
update not tested
startup sound ok
alarm not tested
sleep ok :white_check_mark:

There was a spontaneous restart of the player after repeated switching local / tidalconnect


volumio@smx:~$ inxi -Fxxxz
System:    Host: smx Kernel: 5.10.139-volumio x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: N/A Console: tty 0 dm: N/A
           Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Machine:   Type: Desktop Mobo: ASRock model: J3455-ITX serial: <filter> UEFI: American Megatrends v: P1.40 date: 07/14/2017
CPU:       Topology: Quad Core model: Intel Celeron J3455 bits: 64 type: MCP arch: Goldmont rev: 9 L2 cache: 1024 KiB
           flags: lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 bogomips: 11980
           Speed: 2199 MHz min/max: 800/2300 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 2194 2: 2216 3: 2258 4: 2243
Graphics:  Device-1: Intel vendor: ASRock driver: i915 v: kernel bus ID: 00:02.0 chip ID: 8086:5a85
           Display: tty server: X.org 1.20.4 driver: modesetting unloaded: fbdev,vesa tty: 197x71
           Message: Unable to show advanced data. Required tool glxinfo missing.
Audio:     Device-1: Intel Atom/Celeron/Pentium Processor N4200/N3350/E3900 Series Audio Cluster vendor: ASRock
           driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel bus ID: 00:0e.0 chip ID: 8086:5a98
           Sound Server: ALSA v: k5.10.139-volumio
Network:   Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet vendor: ASRock driver: r8169 v: kernel port: e000
           bus ID: 01:00.0 chip ID: 10ec:8168
           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
Drives:    Local Storage: total: 1018.48 GiB used: 4.91 GiB (0.5%)
           ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: Samsung model: SSD 860 EVO 1TB size: 931.51 GiB speed: 6.0 Gb/s serial: <filter> rev: 1B6Q
           scheme: GPT
           ID-2: /dev/sdb type: USB vendor: Intenso model: Rainbow Line size: 29.69 GiB serial: <filter> scheme: GPT
           ID-3: /dev/sdc type: USB vendor: SanDisk model: Ultra Fit size: 57.28 GiB serial: <filter> rev: 1.00 scheme: GPT
Partition: ID-1: / size: 25.35 GiB used: 31.2 MiB (0.1%) fs: overlay source: ERR-102
           ID-2: /boot size: 170.8 MiB used: 61.2 MiB (35.8%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/sdb1
Sensors:   Missing: Required tool sensors not installed. Check --recommends
Info:      Processes: 168 Uptime: 25m Memory: 3.70 GiB used: 521.7 MiB (13.8%) Init: systemd v: 241 runlevel: 5 default: 2
           Compilers: gcc: N/A Shell: bash v: 5.0.3 running in: tty 0 (SSH) inxi: 3.0.32


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I am very enthusiastic about your work!
I mainly use Qobuz and Radio. Both of these work very well. Sometimes I also hear my flacs, which also works very well.
I find the new design of the interface sensational.
I really liked the fact that the manifest interface is open to everyone, it’s really well done.

Keep it up! :smiley: :+1:

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Thanks guys!

We are already at work on your feedbacks :wink:

Come on don’t be shy and let us know anything that comes to your mind :wink:

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As long as the sound quality remains front and center on your priorities, it’s always great to have new features!

It would be simply amazing to have my own “stream service” with PLAY HERE function outside my network!

Many thanks for your hard work and passion!

  • Sonos and Chromecast outputs (NEW FEAT)
    UI problem
    When you have a lot of devices they will not fit in the screen booth on web ui in webbrowser and iOS app.
    you can’t scroll the devices and when you connect to one device it disappears I think out of the picture and you can’t disconnect again because can’t scroll to the top.
    I may do something wrong, but don’t think so :slight_smile:


there’s a new observation about the local UI via HDMI: After a reboot the local UI is working well. So only after the first startup with a fresh image the local UI is not present.


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After navigating a bit in the UI there is quite often a situaton where the UI does not respond. There is an “hourglas” rotating in the middle. After 1 or 2 minutes the UI is working again. Sometimes there is a reboot afterwards. Here is a log containing this situation:



Hi @Robert.Hecht

Many thanx for you excellent feedback, i allready found a bug (crash) which i will fix for the next beta. Keep them coming!



I will add a scroller in the next beta.


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After the update in my primo to 3.369 adding a radiostation to the favorite list didn’t work anymore

Awesome :+1:t2:

Adding radio stations does work here (amd64)

Moving the new UI to Free users will finally get me on to V3. And then in time I’ll probably take the bait to Premium. Excellent decision and strategy, well done.


Only if the name is short does it fit with the symbol.
You could dynamically center the icon and name to fit two lines as well.

Small detail:
I would appreciate it if the % was also displayed for the volume.