Volumio 2 on Orange Pi Boards

Hi guys,

I’m trying to run the Volumio on the Orange Pi One board, but I failed to boot into the system, it says failed to mount the file system. The uboot and kernel seems ok and also can access the shell in UART console.

I used a 4GB TF card for the booting device. I tried the image made by pkendall64 in the first post of this thread. And I also tried the latest one made by VyacheslavS. I tried to make the card with windows tool and also linux dd. All same result.

Any clue?

Use the “rufus” tool for windows. Just insert the sd card into the reader, fire up the rufus, indicate the card, indicate the image with the system and click start.

I have an Orange pi pc and a xmos ak4490 USB DAC. When installing the program, the DAC is defined and everything works. After the reboot, the hardware mixer disappears and there is no sound.

The new version Volumio 2.712 (Orange Pi Lite, Orange Pi PC, Orange Pi One).
Testing it:
Changelog link.

Thank you very much! The new version retains the settings.

This may be a problem with microSD. Try another microSD. You can check the micro SD using H2testw.

The new version Volumio 2.713 (Orange Pi Lite, Orange Pi PC, Orange Pi One).

Changelog link.

The microSD card is Ok.

In version 2.712, the mixer settings were retained during the reboot, and in version 2.713 the mixer disappears again.
The H2testw says: “Test finished without errors.
Writing speed: 13,2 Mbytes/s
Reading speed: 17,8 Mbytes/s”.

Yesterday I checked 2.713 with USB DAC, found it specifically and connected it to my Orange Pi Lite. Several times I rebooted the Board, checked, the settings are saved. I didn’t notice any problems. You can stay on version 2.712 if it works more stably for you.

Thank you! In fact, only the hardware mixer settings are not saved. And when I try to play after a reboot, an ALSA configuration error occurs. The DAC itself is detected correctly. Only the mixer is missing.
Do you run “alsactl restore” when the system restarts?

No, it works and everything is fine.

Did anybody tried to add a display to Orange Pi? I tried to install the pydPiper plugin, but did not work for me. I have an Orange Pi PC.

elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic … l#18462716

Thanks, but this thread is about an RPI 3. I’ve already used pydPiper for driving screens on RPI 1 and RPI 2 using Volumio. I just can’t make it work on the Orange Pi. pidPyper runs in Docker, and it seems Docker does not run on the Orange Pi for me. On the RPi the kernel version is 4.19.79+. On The Orange Pi it is 4.14.34-sunxi.
Tried with the Volumio version 2.668 and 2.713

4.19.78 —> 2.632

Volumio 2.729 (Orange Pi Lite, Orange Pi PC, Orange Pi One):
Changelog link.

thanks for your great work. do you have the image for orange pi zero please?

I don’t have a Pi Zero board to test with currently.
I don’t plan to create a system image for it.
You can buy the Orange Pi One for $ 9.99 or the better Orange Pi Lite for $ 12.00 (aliexpress) and everything will work.

Anybody have an image that is newer? I have an Orange Pi PC Plus and am using the last image from 2018. I see links to later img files on this forum, but links are broken.