With the update 2.609 system blocks during radio channel change from my favourite. Only one solution is restart the rasp.
This bug appens on two of my three rasp 3 B+ with different DAC. One rasp is not updated to last Volumio version available and runs well, it’s means a bug on 2.609 version.
Will be possible to take in count on next update?
Which radio are you playing?
Every channel, my favourite are Bbc 6, solar radio, abc lounge, linn channels, and so on
The problem is still present on 2.657 version
The problem is still present on Volumio 2.692 version, after two channels change, it stops playing. Only one solution is raspberry restart.
I just downgraded to the version 2.599 (channel search and change, volume change) and all works great with raspberry 3 B+ and Hifiberry DAC Pro.
No more upgrade for now.
I experiment also the same issue (or more or less the same). My Pi was working fine since the upgrade to 2.692 that I did 1 week ago (= X-Mas day) but since 2 days, it hangs after a few minutes. The only workaround is to restart the PI box.
I dont even see an error within the log file : gist.github.com/cmoulliard/bf03 … b4460907c1
This is really frustrating as no info exists about how to debug/log more trace to try to understand …
I built another radio, very cheap, with Pi Zero W and this time with Phat DAC, always the same problem, no audio after radio channel change.
Attached you can find what happens. Still on 2.703 Volumio release.
Can anyone suggest me a solution?
020-02-23T18:02:27.821Z - info: Received update from a service different from the one supposed to be playing music. Skipping notification.Current webradio Received mpd
2020-02-23T18:02:27.845Z - info: ------------------------------ 215ms
2020-02-23T18:02:27.850Z - info:
---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
2020-02-23T18:02:27.852Z - info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
2020-02-23T18:02:27.871Z - info:
2020-02-23T18:02:27.879Z - info: ------------------------------ 201ms
2020-02-23T18:02:27.883Z - info: parsing response…
2020-02-23T18:02:27.888Z - info: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
2020-02-23T18:02:27.889Z - info: ControllerMpd::pushError
2020-02-23T18:02:27.891Z - info: message=Cannot read property ‘split’ of undefined, stack=TypeError: Cannot read property ‘split’ of undefined
at Promise._successFn (/volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/index.js:295:72)
at nextTickCallback (/volumio/node_modules/kew/kew.js:47:28)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
2020-02-23T18:02:27.906Z - info: ------------------------------ 313ms
Thanks to cmoulliard
No answer or suggestion received, problem still present on 2.713, I’m moving to MoodeAudio, sorry.