I’m using latest Volumio build on my Rpi 2 with a Hifiberry Dac+ light and if I choose softwaremixer I got no sound (also if I set the default volume to 100) if I set no mixer everything is working perfectly fine
Thanks in advance
I’m using latest Volumio build on my Rpi 2 with a Hifiberry Dac+ light and if I choose softwaremixer I got no sound (also if I set the default volume to 100) if I set no mixer everything is working perfectly fine
Thanks in advance
Same problem here (rpi B / hifiberry dac)
Reboot and everything will work. Let me know
after reboot it works !!! But volume must be >70 if you want to ear something.
Nice thank you
Gesendet von meinem Bacon mit Tapatalk
@michelangelo Sorry but reboot didn’t fix it(with 2.001 not working either)