Volumio 1.5x on Carambola2


Does someone has a good inside knowledge of the volumio php framework?

At least I can add a webradio from the built-in list, add it to play immediately and have the sound out via the Carambola2 SPDIF port…

For example the web interface calls the script “_player_engine.php?state=play” in regular intervals…but the script never finishes and returns nothing…
also adding a new share won’t work…haven’t digged into it much though (o;

Seems “_player_engine.php?state=play” does the lock up…

When listening to a radio stations this script gets called every time the song changes…but only finishes until the next song starts and returns the information of the song played at the time the script finishes…

Okay…it is by purpose (o;

	if ($_GET['state'] == $status['state']) {
	// If the playback state is the same as specified in the ajax call
		// Wait until the status changes and then return new status
		$status = monitorMpdState($mpd);


Maybe number of processes must be set to a higher value for php-fcgi then…