RasPi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 with Volumio 3.179 with HifiBerry Digi+ Pro 2017 connected by WLAN 2,4GHz. Attached to Raspi is a LG DVD Rewriter GH22NS40 by USB 2.0 to SATA adapter. It plays Audio CDs. HiFiBerry S/PDIF output with BNC coax cable to S/PDIF electrical input (AES3id) on DAC.
Using Volumio for web radio (for example www.swissgroove.ch ) volume level attains 0 db at peaks on DAC. Also tracks from Soundcloud.
But for playing audio CDs on Volumio volume level is too weak. Missing approx. 5-8 dB Left and right as per DAC volume meters.
How to get some more dBs on audio CD volume? Is there a Alsamixer somewhere in Volumio for level adjustments alsamixer - Wikipedia ?