Version 2.526 is crashing on my RPi 2


After this update my RPi2 is not usable anymore.

The webinterface is crashing permanently (Firefox, Safari).

v2.513 runs perfect.

Any ideas?

Best regards!


Thanks a lot for the correction to the version 2.526, I am very happy with it !!!

For me, version 2.526 works almost perfectly!
It is running very stable and very fast.
Since this version, the volume control responds without delay - this is very pleasant!
Thanks also for the HighRes ad in Qobuz! :smiley:


Your reply is not a bugfix… :wink:

Any idea what I could do? Waiting for the next update?


Have you tried to reflash your card with this version?
Or just the update?
Have installed you plugins?

  • Yes, it was my second plan. [1]
  • Yes.
  • No.

[1]: After a new reflashing Volumio runs now. However my RPi2 is now “freezing” after a few hours - anyway I can’t connect via WLAN after these few hours. (EDIMAX EW-7811UN Wireless USB Adapter, 150 Mbit/s, IEEE802.11b/g/n)

Additionally I tested v2.526 with a new SD card: same problem. :frowning:

(/var/log/volumio.log doesn’t help…)

v2.513 runs fine.

Another test: On my Raspberry Pi 1 Model B the actual release runs very stable. I used the same SD card and the same WLAN dongle.

OK, after 20 hours testing: not stable, too… :frowning:


Same problem to me on RPi2.
Reflashed my sd-card several times, but it wont run stable.
Adding spotify connect plugin leads to immediate crash.

Check your Power supplies, the most frequent cause of instability is a power supply which cannot supply 5V 2A.


starting with Volumio 1.x, I’m using this setup for more than two years now with ifi power supply.
Until the update to the latest version, everything worked great.

@edit: I updated from v2.457 and haven’t tried any v2.5x before.

I use the official Raspberry Pi 3 power supply 2,5A/5V on both devices.

v2.513 runs very stable on my Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 1 Model B (uptime many weeks), v2.526 does not.

I changed the power supplies from my RPi3B+ with them of both old RPIs, unfortunately I have had the same problem.

Will be there an update in the near future?

I just started a separate thread on this, sorry about that (now deleted). Same problems here. Keeps disappearing off the network after some time (maybe a day or two).

I solved my problem so far.
Volumio is running for three days now. Was able to use spotify connect and was able to stream highres audio over wifi.
Bit strange, but I had to connect via ethernet, configure the wifi settings, disable the hotspot and reboot without the ethernet cable connected. Wifi settings other way before were unstable (settings via wifi hotspot).

(I usually use wifi instead of ethernet cable)

Makes no sense. If you use the same setup, it doesn’t/shouldn’t matter how you are connected when you do it.

I have gone to Moode as it seems that support is lacking here. I reported a problem with the Android app, but no response there either.

Yes indeed, but seems like there is probably an issue with the hotspot and wifi settings. other posts reported similar strange things which led me to this approach to try with ethernet and disable the hotspot this way… and it works for me. still stable…

The new version 2.555 runs stable until (!) now.

A “silent” bug fix for the issue? :wink:

Ehehe no, we tried many fixes and probably we nailed it! (just forgot to add it to changelog). Great to hear it works!

uh - huh. Well, good, I will put the Volumio card back in and try it again now.