Hi, I am having problems setting up PI-DACZero in Version 3. This model is not shown in I2S DAC listing. Can anyone help please.
no show or only no show from this dac?
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
The IQaudiO Pi-DACZero does not show in the DAC Model dropdown box. I have configured by Pi-Zero to use the IQaudiO DAC Plus as this is the only IQaudiO DAC that I recognise. However, I am not sure if this will harm the hardware or cause a software problem. I am able to control the volume.
If it works well with your solution I would not worry. I’ve run a few DACs (f.e. iFi DACs) without having the right type in the list. But, nevertheless, it is only my opinion. In Germany we say “Ohne Gewähr” which means “no responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information”
Thats what my dictionary tells me.
Thanks Joachim for your help, I willl run one for awhile and see what happens before I upgrade the Pi-DACZero that I installed in a couple of churches. They are very small churches and couldn’t get or afford an organist so the organ music for the complete hymn book is on the internal storage.