V3.703 breaks PydPiper plugin

Volumio Version: 3.703
Hardware: Pi4
DAC: JustBoom DigiHAT

from: sudo journalctl -f

Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: pydPiper starting
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 volumio[1420]: verbose: New Socket.io Connection to localhost:3000 from UA: python-requests/2.18.4 Engine version: 3 Transport: polling Total Clients: 9
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: Exception in thread Thread-2:
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: File “/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py”, line 552, in __bootstrap_inner
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: self.run()
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: File “/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py”, line 505, in run
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: File “/app/sources/musicdata_volumio2.py”, line 43, in run
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: with SocketIO(self.server, self.port) as socketIO:
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/socketIO_client/init.py”, line 353, in init
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: resource, hurry_interval_in_seconds, **kw)
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/socketIO_client/init.py”, line 54, in init
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: self._transport
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/socketIO_client/init.py”, line 62, in _transport
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: self._engineIO_session = self._get_engineIO_session()
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/socketIO_client/init.py”, line 76, in _get_engineIO_session
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: transport.recv_packet())
Jun 15 13:00:24 volumio5 docker[19696]: StopIteration

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install/Upgrade v3.703
  2. Install pydpiper
  3. wait for the clock to be displayed
  4. play any track
  5. LCD does not change from clock, but clock continues to function - guessing that as pydpiper can’t see that something is playing it continues as if state is paused or stopped

Additional Information

Reverting to v3.631 fixes issue - couldn’t find a link to v3.661 to test
Tested on 2 seperate Pi
Everything else seems fine

Hopefully Saiyato is still reading this forum! :grinning:


@Saiyato are you still in here?