V 3.666 - BBC Radios

I have just tried v3.666
I can get these to work, but Radio 3 selction gives the BBC Radio 4.
I assume this is a simple mistake and will be corrected
Keep up the good work please…
Michael [in the UK]

Looks like this has been fixed
Thank you :smiley:

This a link to a more up to date BBC Radio 3 logo

Other BBC radio logos may also need updating
Hoping that this is of interest

I have BBC Radio 3 stored in “My Web Radios” how do I add the BBC Radio 3 logo?

Any guidance would be vry welcome.

As Newbiggen has said Radio 3 selection gives BBC Radio 4

Interesting! This problem appeared to be sorted yesterday, but it is back as Steve says

Further testing with BBC Radio streams shows occasional dropouts lasting from a few to about 20 seconds. There is no apparent pattern, but they occur at intervals between 30 and 90 minutes as far as I can tell. I don’t think my broadband connection is dropping out.

I have tried different settings for the buffer size but I cannot detect any noticable difference. I need to see if the BBC Sounds website shows similar behaviour because this uses the same streams e.g. http://as-hls-ww-live.akamaized.net/pool_904/live/ww/bbc_radio_three/bbc_radio_three.isml/bbc_radio_three-audio%3D320000.norewind.m3u8

Any further observations would be welcome

Thanks Volumio for working on this. If possible, could BBC 6 Music be added.

I used that link yesterday. The experience was wierd. I started to listen at 1.00pm, UK time and realised that I was listening to the Breakfast Show!!!
I changed the link in “My Web Radios” to http://lstn.lv/bbc.m3u8?station=bbc_radio_three&bitrate=320000 now works perfectly. :thinking:

Curiouser and curiouser - I am using that link in “My Web Radios” now in the UK [10.21pm uk time] and I am not getting the kind of time-shift you experienced. I assume that is what the “no rewind” is about - in BBC Sounds it is possible to “rewind” …
On another poinbt, I have managed to ssh into “my-web-radio” and saved appropriate icon & albumart for the BBC streams

BBC Radio 3 link is still playing Radio 4 !

See Volumio 3 Beta test: New init - #32 by gkkpch

Understood - thank you

no problem, this happens when identical issues are discussed in multiple topics where the topics are not always directly related (beta vs releases).
In this case, they have the same volumio backend

For everyone’s information, BBC Radio 3 seems to be working fine this morning (12/5/24).


Agreed - thanks Steve

To quote “Alice” from “Alice in Wonderland” - “curiouser and curiouser” - the BBC Radio 3 icon once again plays BBC Radio 4.


This is an issue from the database where we take the streams. We are investigating how to circumvent this but that does not seem something quick unfortunately…