I’m using Volumio software on a Raspberry Pi 4, with music on a Synology NAS, connected via USB to a DAC. My question is, as I’m planning to buy a new DAC with internal streamer (Gustard R26), how can I stream from Volumio Raspberry Pi directly (via network) to Gustard R26 UPnP renderer? Thx!
You can’t. And, actually, if this streamer has USB input, you’re better using this direct connection instead.
Any plans to add such a feature?
I’ve tried Roon and that works fine with UPnP renderes which is a nice alternative do Volumio, but I do prefer the price of Volumio and the more flexible interface with the ability to browser folders on DLNA servers and the avaibility of more clients for streaming services (Youtube, Spotify, Qobuz, etc.).
The nonsense is that you just start responding without reading. Which is a bit annoying.
If you read properly, you should have read that the question is not related to connecting a DAC to the rPi.
True. Although I think it’s possible to stream for example Spotify to/via upnp. But I don’t have an R26 to try unfortunately.
(btw using upnp is crap imho and I really hoping for native spoti/tidal connect on the R26)