I have the Volumio going and it works, but still problems with the ol’ Ir sensor.
I have a good many of these here from amazon
(Universal IR Infrared Sensor Receiver Module)
First i set the GPIO plugin configuration after selecting JustBoom IR Remote that i have and went down to the GPIO configuration and set the gpio to pin 24 on the Pi 4
Later after i did that, i took one of the IR Infrared Sensor Receiver Module https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B087ZRD3LH/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and connect the jumper wire to the Module.
Red to Volt
White to S signal out
and black, which i didn’t have, so i took a green and connected it to ground.
and connected them to 3.3v pin/ gpio24 pin/ ground pin/ on the Pi 4.
Today, i turn on the player and gave the JustBoom remote a try and nothing happen.